Chapter 7 - A Very Serious Talk About What?

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(Kyson's POV)

Sophia has been great ever since we had that argument. Things between us have been the lightest they have ever been. She is making me believe that she actually cares; in her words and her actions.

I love it.

I haven't seen or heard from Scarlett since our run in at the hospital. I've been to visit my dad, but I haven't seen Scarlett once. I thought I was bound to run into her again, but I guess not.

"Car, come on man." Lyle whined. You're using the same move over and over again."

I laughed as my character slammed his character for the fifth time. "So?" I have been using the same move, but I do it because he hates it. It's hilarious.

"You don't do this in the real ring." He sighed in frustration, pressing all the buttons in the controller.

"I would if I could, just to make my opponent mad." I chuckled, grabbing his opponent and pinning him.

I won.

"Cheater." Lyle muttered, tossing the controller on his parents' couch.

We had been here for a while now, just playing the game. He had been staying here since we got back to New York; about two weeks now.

"Lyle, honey?" Mrs. Nelson called, walking into the game room we were in upstairs. She was a bit surprised to see me. "Oh, it's a pleasure to see you, Carter."

I smiled at her. "The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. N."

Mrs. Nelson and I have had our rocky moments, but ever since Lyle was almost killed, she has had a change of heart. She witness herself how concerned and protective I was in Lyle.

It made her realize that Lyle really was my best friend and I have his back through everything. I wasn't just fucking around trying to get him into trouble.

Lyle turned and looked at her. "Yeah, Mom?"

"Your father wants to know if you're eating dinner with us tonight?" She asked as I shut down the system. "Carter, you can join us if you like."

I was going to tell her our plans, but Lyle beat me to it. "No thanks, Mom. Car and I were just about to leave, we are going by our gym to see how it's doing."

Lyle and I have not heard from the manager that we left in charge in a while. We want to know how our investment is doing. Usually, Carl, our manage fills us in, but for the past few months, he has not. So, we are doing a surprise visit today.

She nodded. "Well, let me know if you change your mind."

"We will, Mom." Lyle smiled at her, putting away the controllers and turning off the television. "Thanks."

After that, Lyle and I left, we headed up to the gym. It was a bit of a distance from his parents' house but we made it there in no time. "I wonder why Carl went completely AWOL on us."  I wondered to Lyle as we walked up to the double door.

"Yeah, I know." Lyle responded, opening the door. "We had a good system going on for awhile."

I walked in first.

"I just hope it hasn't turned it to a shit show..." I trailed off in disbelief as I took a look around. "What the fuck?"

The place was pretty much fucking empty, there was a person on the bag, couple in the treadmill, and a couple in the ring. Nobody was really here.

Lyle stepped in after me and stopped. "What the fuck?" He mocked me.

This place was always, always, packed when I use to come here to workout. I don't know what is going on now. Everything looked the way I left it except it was empty..

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