Chapter 5 - I Missed You, Kyson

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(Kyson's POV)

He's awake.

It was all I could think about as I raced to the hospital. I just wanted to see his open eyes, he needed to be awake for five minutes so I can tell him that I'm a jackass for not forgiving him a long time ago.

Sophia decided to come with me. She sat in the passenger seat drifting off to sleep.

It was almost midnight.

I slept through the first few calls from Keema until Sophia got up to use the restroom and I heard my phone buzzing,

Keema called me at least 10 times, but when she couldn't get ahold me, she texted me.

Dad's awake.

I could barely contain my excitement.

I can tell him how much I love him and how much he means to me.

If he's awake, that means he's getting better. Right?

Grabbing Sophia's hand from her lap, I held it tight.

I asked Sophia if she wanted to stay at the hotel and sleep, but she decided to tag along. I really want her to meet my dad, but he may not be up for it.

I just hopes when he does that he loves her.

There was very little cars on the roads, so I got to the hospital in record time.

I all, but ran to the elevators as it took me up to his floor. Sophia was barely keeping up with me, I was moving so fast.

"Babe, slow down!" She huffed.

But we were already at his door.

I busted through the doors like I owned the place.

Keema, Davina, Elliott, Lanie; they all stood around his bed, just staring at him but all of the stares turned to Sophia and I as we entered.

They smiled at me, but the only person I could see was my dad. Ignoring them, I walked to the other side of his bed that Keema was not occupying. I was so quiet because I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know what do.

I was just so happy that my body didn't know how to react. And I haven't talked to my dad properly in a few years. He was always there when Keema, Davina, and Lanie called, but I never actually talked direct to him. I would address them all as a group.

My dad gave me a weak smile. "Carter."

"Hi, Dad." I gave him a small smile as he held out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and it felt like everything just fell into place at that very moment. I understand that my dad was still sick, but just seeing his eyes open and him talking, it gave me so much hope.

We didn't have to say anything.

This silent moment between us meant so much.

I tried hard not to tear up, but I couldn't help it. I was so glad that he was awake. This is the one thing that I wanted since I got back to town, the only thing that I hoped for.

I would help him in anyway possible.

Whatever he needs, I will provide it to him.

If he's a match. He can have my kidney, not matter the cost.

"Have you seen them?" He asked, his smile brightened.

I tilted in confusion. "Them?" I asked him. Very confused.

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