Chapter 19 - Shut Up, Ky

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(Kyson's POV)

"Kyson, should I make chicken or steak?" Scarlett asked me as we headed towards the meats.

I  followed along the side of her, pushing the shopping cart and hopefully  disguised from the other shoppers in my black beanie and sunglasses.  However, I highly doubt that anyone would think that Carter Blackstone would be caught dead walking around in a neighborhood grocery store, so it should be a good cover.

"I don't know, they are both good proteins." I teased.

We  were here shopping for food for dinner tonight.  She finally sat aside some time to talk with her estranged brother, Oakley. And to say that she's nervous is an understatement, we've been  in the fucking store for quite some time now.

She turned and looked at me. "Not from a fighter's stand point, Ky." Scarlett said, rolling her eyes. "Which one do you prefer?"

"Steak?" I shrugged. "Steak is always better, but what if Oakley doesn't eat red meat?"

"Chicken." She nodded, deciding on chicken.

I nodded. "But what if Oakley doesn't eat meat at all."

"Ky, what the fuck am I suppose to cook?" She cried throwing her hands up in the air, almost dropping her phone.

"I'm  sorry." I apologized, I didn't want to stress her out even more. Plus, I  know she's nervous about the whole dinner and I'm not making it any  better. "Just go with the chicken, I'm sure it will be fine."

She  ran her hand through her hair with a huff, her blue eyes a little wry.  "Chicken it is then."  Scarlett said, grabbing a package of raw chicken  breast.

Scarlett had several items on her list that she had to  pick up. Certain food items for the boys and the sides for dinner. She  told me that she was over due for food shopping and they were eating the  last of what's in the pantry or going to Dad's and Keema's for dinner.

There has been a lot going on, so I understand why it has gotten behind.

"Isn't  it great how I just bumped into Oakley coming out of Denny's last  week?" I smiled at her. "Now, you can start over with your brother and  build the relationship that you want."

Scarlett returned my  smile with a beaming one. "I know, I can't believe it. I have  family..."  She trailed, grabbing a pack of frozen broccoli. "Well, you  know, besides you guys."

My smile widened just to hear her say it.  I know she thinks of us as her family, but I don't think I've actually  heard her say it. "We're your family?" I mused, batting my eyelids at  her.

She rolled her eyes and nudged at my shoulder. "Yes, you  know I love you guys. My beautiful Blackstones." She winked, sticking  her tongue out at me.

I laughed at her name for us. "You're so silly." Throwing my arm over her shoulders, she helped me lead  the shopping cart to the front of the store. Loading everything on the  conveyor belt as the cashier rung us up. "Man, you grabbed a lot of  shit." I chuckled, it isn't until you get up to the cashier do you  realize how many items are actually in the cart.

"I gotta feed our two growing boys." She giggled.

I nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I almost forgot that you are feeding two Blackstone men."

"Well, lately I have been feeding three." She winked, bumping my hip with hers.

"Alright,  you're total is $376.75." The cashier finished, totaling us up.  Stepping back and placing all the bags in the cart, I let Scarlett pay.  She gets testy with me when I try to pay for everything, plus she made a  good point; she didn't sign the contract for nothing. And since it's my  money that pays my mother, it's like I'm paying anyway. Putting in her  PIN, the machine beeped, declining her card. "Sorry, ma'am it looks like  your card has been declined."

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