Chapter 4 - Where's Our Daddy?

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(Scarlett's POV)

Keema said that he left awhile ago. So, it was clear for me to go up to the hospital to see Sam. I didn't want to see Kyson face to face because I know that I would just give in and tell him everything.

I made sure that he was long gone before I ever show my face at the hospital.

Ky and Sammy still don't know that their Grandpa is in the hospital let alone sick. I don't plan on telling them anything until Samuel wakes up. He has been out for quite sometime now and everyday the doctors say it's get harder and harder for them to believe that he'll pull through.

"Kee?" I called her, walking through Samuel's room door.

She sat in the corner of his room, reading a book. Keema looked up at me and smiled. "I thought I'd see you today." She stood up from the chair to pull me in for a hug.

"How's Dad doing?" I asked her, hugging her tight.

Keema pulled back to look at me. "He's doing the same." She nodded, walking over to his bedside. "If been talking to him lately, just trying to get him to latch on to my voice and come back."

"Yeah, I heard that it sometimes helps to talk to them." I gave her a sad smile.

I can't even imagine what she might be going through. I don't even know what I would do if my lover was laying in a hospital bed, broken and still.

Samuel has been a very big part of my life and I owe a lot of my strength to him. He has been the male role model for my boys, and for me.

He has been a father to me.

I love him so much. And it pains me to see him like this.

"You were here when Elliott came by?" I asked her.

Taking a seat by his bed, she stood on the other side to straighten out his sheets. "Of course, I'm always here. He came through the same time Elliott got here."

I did a double take. "Wait, what?"

"Yea." Keema seemed unfazed. "They actually rode up in the elevator together."

I mentally face palmed.

You have got to me kidding me...

"Well, what did they say to each other?" I rambled. "Did Elliott figure out who he was? Did Kyson? How were they towards each other?"

Keema looked over at me like I was crazy. "Slow down, Scarlett." She assured me. "Elliott didn't figure out who he was. However, Carter told me all the things that you guys were talking about on the elevator ride up.

"Holy shit." I sighed.

I remember exactly how that conversation went today.

Elli was being his normal silly self; asking me for nudes...

He even mentioned Sammy...

"He kind of thinks that you and Elliot have a kid together." Keema mentioned, taking a seat back in her original spot.

"Fuck." I buried my face in my hands.

Kyson has everything all messed up. I want to tell him so back m, but I know that nothing good will come of it. Mrs. Blackstone will know, and she will bury me in legal fees and sue me for all the money she supplied to me over the years.

"Scarlett, I think it maybe time to tell Carter." Keema suggested. I looked up at her. "He needs something to give him hope."

"Keema, don't you think I want to do that." I told her with a bit more sass than I meant to. "I hate not being honest with him."

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