Chapter 16 - Happy Birthday, Love

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(Scarlett's POV)

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..." They sang to me, circled around me. Sam, Keema, Davina, Lanie, Kyson, Lyle, Kennedy, Paisley, and of course my two favorite men; Kylan and Sammy.

Gosh, I love them all.

All the attention was on me, not how I like it. Even over the last couple of years of them doing this, I still wasn't use to it.

My birthday isn't something that I have ever wanted to celebrate, it never has been. But instead of listening to my wishes, they decide what they want to do on their own. And because I love them, I let them. I let them spoil me, I let them go against what I want because they love me and I love them.

"Happy Birthday to Scarlett, Happy Birthday to you!" They ended, Kyson and Lyle holding out the last note as if they were Beyonce.

I giggled at their silliness before leaning over to blow out the twenty-two candles.

"Make a wish!" Lanie and Davina shouted, stopping me.

I wish for Kyson, I wish to be a family once and forever...

I wish the same thing every year, and it has yet to come true, but I blew out the candles anyway.

"Yay!" My sons clapped along with the rest of my family.

They all looked so happy, and the fact that they were happy made my heart melt. I owe everything to them, they built me up, they have had my back through everything, and I would do anything that they wanted me to do.

"Cake!" Kylan screamed. "Cake!"

"Mommy, cake!" Sammy begged, same as his brother.

I nodded at the two, then at their dad. "Daddy's going to cut the cake."

Kyson rolled his eyes, but complied as I stepped to the side. He knows better than anyone here, besides Kennedy and Paisley, that I would much rather be at home watching a kiddie me with my boys, and scarfing down junk food. I am here for the ones around me, they think that my birthday is something to celebrate.

So, I celebrate my birthday for them.

I have yet to find meaning specifically for me.

"Relax, love." Kyson whispered in my ear as he came to step in front of my cake. "Daddy's got our boys."

I smiled up at him.

He's so sweet.

Sitting down at the other end of the table, I watched as my family went nuts for the birthday cake. They all made me laugh at how crazy they were acting, I loved it. This is all I need to see on this day, is everyone smiling and having a good time.

I don't need this day to be about me.

Kyson started off as the cake cutter for Kylan and Sammy, but was now in charge of getting everyone a piece. When he was done serving the rest, they dispersed into different parts of the house, probably heading to the den to watch TV. Not Kyson, he ended up cutting a piece for me and sitting down next to me at the table.

It was chocolate cake with whipped chocolate frost. And didn't want to admit it, but it looked delicious.

Well, I do love chocolate...

"The Birthday Girl should also taste a piece of her own cake..." He trailed off, sliding the plate in front of me.

I shook my head. "I'm okay."

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