Chapter 9 - Come On, I'll Make You Some Coffee

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😍😍 Picture of Kyson above 😍😍

(Kyson's POV)

My phone rang from my pocket as we all stood there in silence. I pulled it out to see Sophia calling, so I silenced it before placing it back into my pocket.

"Talk, Scarlett." I demanded as she flinched.

She can't deny anything because I heard everything that was said from outside her door. Elliott had already confirmed everything just seconds before he opened the door.

Scarlett, Elliott, Kennedy, and I stood around their living room.

Kennedy looked agitated before she suddenly turned and walked away, heading down the hallway.

Elliott looked uncomfortable.

I don't even know why he decided to stay anyway, this has nothing to do with him. But he insisted, Scarlett tried to get him to leave. He was leaving in the first place any way, I don't understand why he didn't just keep going.

And Scarlett just looked down right ashamed; guilt-ridden.

She has been caught, and she was embarrassed. But I was going to give her a chance to explain herself.

"Kyson, I know you're upset, but I want to explain everything from the beginning." Scarlett frowned.

She was really starting to piss me off as she stood here wasting time. "Then explain!" I shouted, she noticeably flinched again.

Elliott quickly went from fearful to angry. "Hey dick, watch how you speak to her." He growled.

My head tilted to the side as I turned to look at him, I felt like some sort of crazy person. "I suggest you shut the fuck up if you want to stay standing." My eyes narrowed in on him. "You don't know me so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."

Elliott shut up after that, so I turned back to Scarlett. "I found out that I was pregnant the same day I broke up with you in the hospital three and a half years ago." She confessed. "I didn't know until after you had left, after I had broke up with you."

My phone rang again, so I pulled it out.



So, I completely silenced it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I scowled, putting my phone back in my pocket. "I wouldn't have left."

Scarlett gave me a sad smile. "I know, and that's why I couldn't tell you. I was going to wait a year." She continued, her voice cracking. "But then your mom came up to my school—"

He shook his head, shocked by the sudden news. "My mom?"

Scar nodded. "She called me to Dean Venice's office, and had me sign a contract agreeing that I would not saying anything about my pregnancy to you for the next five years, and in return she would pay for everything that we would ever need." She looked around. "This place, my car, everything..." Scarlett trailed off. "I didn't know what to do, so I signed it. She made good on the contract ever since, but she told me that if I ever breached then she would sue. Otherwise, I would have told you the moment after I signed it."

I almost started to sympathized with her. "Scarlett.."

"I felt so fucking guilty since that day, it will always be the biggest regret of my life, next to breaking up with you." She professed. "I would have never done if I thought that it wasn't the right thing, and now you're not around to see our boys grow up—"


"B-Boys?" I stuttered.

She gave me a small smile. "I had twins."

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