Chapter 25 - One Word; Submission

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(Kyson's POV)

I called my mother.

I had her meet me here, at one of New York's finest restaurants because I wanted to discuss where she stands with the house.

I know Scarlett doesn't want to move out of the house she brought our boys to. She has so many memories there and she isn't ready to just let that go.

So, I must fight for her.

I owe her that.

Tucking away my cellphone into my pocket, I entered the restaurant's double doors. On purpose, I gave her a slightly different time of the reservation because I wanted her to have to wait for me to arrive.

Me, I'm right on time.

6:00 PM

"Well, it's nice of you to show up." She cried, dramatically as she got up from the waiting area.

"Didn't I tell you six o'clock?" I questioned sarcastically, trying not to chuckle but she caught the amusement in my voice as she rolled her eyes.

Sighing, she followed me to the hostess. "Reservation for Kyson Blackstone." I told her, politely.

She smiled and checked her iPad before smiling up at me, gesturing for us to follow her. "Right this way."

Showing us to our seats, in a more private area than the rest of the place, she took our drink orders before stepping away.

It didn't take long for my mother to want to know why she was even here considering I told her nothing about our meeting today.

"Why did you summon me?" She looked exhausted and lost as she tried hiding it with thick makeup, but it wasn't working. Her hair was combed, but not perfect like it always is, and her clothes sloppy, no longer perfect.

Examining her face for a long moment, I gave her time to think but when she didn't answer, I spoke. "I need you to surrender the house over to Scarlett." I demanded.

Tilting her head at me, she smirked. "Why are you protecting that tramp?" She whispered so any tables in the distance couldn't hear her.

I don't think it was necessary because we were secluded, I barely heard any of the other guests' conversations.

"You heard what I said." I seethed, leaning into the table.

Mother just shrugged. "Ask me nicely." She countered.

Scoffing, I sat back in my seat. "Are you deranged? Or were you dropped on your head as a child?"

"Watch your mouth, I am still your mother." She demanded.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoffed again. "We are way passed that." I told her. "You did the passing all by yourself when you decided to pay my babies' mother to keep my children a secret."

She rolled her eyes. "Boo-hoo." My mother mocked. "I don't see you attacking Scarlett, she signed the papers."

"She didn't look me in the eye every fucking day, Mother." I spat. "Then you brought Sophia into it, probably making fun of me behind my fucking back."

My mother's face faulted a bit.

Just then, a waitress brought in our drinks, placing them on the table before taking our food orders.

I got steak and potatoes, of course.

My mother chose pasta.

"We never made fun of you. We wanted the best for you." She sighed. "Just like Scarlett did. We all saw your potential. Why don't you?"

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