Chapter 24 - Can I Kiss You?

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(Scarlett's POV)

What was I thinking?!

Everything was fine between me and Kyson and I had to go ahead a fuck it up by having sex with him. I'm so stupid to think that this between is not going to ruin our co-parenting. Especially since I don't want to get in a relationship with him only to be his rebound from Sophia.


I hate myself.

I should have just pushed him away and set up my hookup with Declan. Now, I'm stuck in this awkward thing with Kyson.

It's awkward now, even when it shouldn't be.

Here I am, at Lyle and Kyson's gym opening, staying far away from Kyson because I can't face him with Declan running behind me all day.

We open the doors in less than twenty minutes.

Declan hasn't stopped asking me when we are going to hook up and I haven't answered him because I don't know how. How do I tell him that we need to end our hookups when we haven't even started them? However, I will pull him over to the side to advise him to stop following me around like a lap dog or Kyson will start to notice. "Declan, stop. Okay? I don't know if I can do this." I confessed, pulling him into Quinn's office and shutting the door.

I needed him to chill out before Kyson and Lyle open the doors in ten minutes.

Declan's eyes grew twice their size. "You said that we could. Why can't we now?"

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed. "Declan, we didn't even start anything. We shouldn't start it. If Kyson finds out, he'll kill you."

I was saying one thing to Declan, but his actions were making me believe that he was choosing not to listen as he grabbed my waist, turned us around, and backed me up against the door. Closing the space between our bodies, I inhaled swiftly, not expecting this. "Declan, stop." I spoke calmly.

I would be lying to myself if I say that I wasn't turned on.

Smirking, he leaned into my neck, pushing my hair behind my shoulder. I didn't mean to and I don't know why I did, but I tilted my neck just a little bit to give him more access just as he brought his lips right against my skin. "Your body is telling me something positively different." He chuckled.

"Declan, please." I whined as he began planting open mouth kisses up the side of my neck.

I wanted him to keep going, but I needed him to stop. "Please, what?" He challenged, moving his lips against my skin.

Gosh... it felt so good.

I tilted my head back to let out an involuntary moan. "Declan..." I whimpered, closing my eyes. "Please, stop." Lifting his head, I was slightly displeased when he actually stopped. Lifting my head, I opened my eyes to look at him. Not surprised, he was staring right at me. I tried not to, but I couldn't help but to glance down at his very kissable lips.

I wanted to kiss them, but I would never admit that to him especially after telling him that we shouldn't make us a situation.

But of course, he hasn't listened to me since I stepped foot in this gym today which is why I wasn't alarmed when his lips pressed against mine. His lips were strong, urgent, and so damn soft, so I gave into them as I wrapped my arms around his neck, bring him into me.

Biting my lip, he asked for entrance and I had no problem giving it to him. I almost lost my head as our tongues ground against each other, feeling like I was about faint, I grabbed the collar of his work shirt.

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