Chapter 29 - Thank You, Captain Obvious

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(Kyson's POV)

I'm hurting Scarlett.

I know.

But I can't help it, I need to distance myself considering I leave in a week. I'm going back to LA; I have no choice. It's either lose my family or lose everything I have worked for.

And since I left my family, I didn't know it at the time, to get to where I am now, I have to go back. Otherwise, all of my sacrifices will have been for nothing.

I just don't want to tell Scarlett, she's going to be so devastated.

She might hate me.


"What's wrong, man?" Lyle asked me from the driver's seat. We are currently heading to our gym and then to his house afterward. His parents are making dinner and they invited me over.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

Lyle just chuckled. "You do know that you're my best friend, right?" He questioned me.

"Yes..." I trailed off, confused as to where he was taking this.

He nodded, continuing. "And how long have I known you?"

What's with the quiz?

I played along.

"What, like five or six years now?" I didn't know, I lost track after the third year of our friendship.

"Exactly, man." Lyle chuckled again. "So, I know when you're lying and when you're hiding something." He figured me out. "So, spill."

I sighed, I should have known.

"I have to return to LA." I confessed.

He glanced at me, his eyes wide. "What?"

Lyle couldn't believe it either.

I just nodded. "Mr. Leon has been fired. This new guy, Tom Vaccari, called me on the day of my dad's funeral and demanded that I return to LA in the next two weeks or else they'll sue me."

"What the fuck?" My best friend was outraged. "All that fucking money you made them, and they are choosing to be dicks at the wrong time!" Lyle argued. "Didn't Mr. Leon tell them that you had shit going on?"

"Yeah, man." I told him. "They don't care. And that's why he got fired, he was covering for me. They wanted me back, they told him to get me back, and he didn't."

Lyle grumbled. "Wow."

"And I have to go, my mom called him, and she said that it would be in my best interest to return." I sighed. "I have no choice."

"You do have a choice. You can choose to stay." He pointed out.

"Yeah, but if I do then what was the point of me missing out on Ky's and Sam's life." I added.

Lyle remained quiet.

He knows I'm right.

I have to make it worth it.

Parking at the gym, Lyle and I headed inside. We were surprised to see two suited men at the front desk, they were head to toe in business attire. Usually, when we see people come to check out the gym or come to workout, they aren't dressed like that.

Walking passed the counter, we overheard the conversation that was happening. These guys were looking for someone, they weren't looking to join the gym.

"Sorry, we don't have a Carl that works here." Chelsea told them.

Lyle and I eyed one another before stopping and stepping behind the counter. The two guys had sunglasses to cover their eyes, the tint was so dark that you couldn't see through them even with the light in the gym.

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