Chapter 30 - Fuck

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(Scarlett's POV)

Oakley smiled at me as soon as I hung up the phone with Lyle. He doesn't know what was just discussed, but he knows. He passed me to walk in my house, hands full of bags of my groceries, and his devilish lies. He's behaving as if everything is okay, as if he is really who he says he is.

I thought that he was.

I thought that he cared about me, but he's just like every other guy in my life. He's fake and he's evil.

Very evil.

As evil as Ivan.

But I shouldn't confront him, not without the guys. I don't have anyone to protect us. We are sitting ducks until they get here.

Emptying everything from the trunk, I ran the last trip with Kennedy.

"Kenn, wait." I cried, smiling. Oakley was already in the house, waiting for us to come in. "Just keep laughing and smiling." I faked a giggle as Kennedy smiled. "Just in case Oakley is watching, he's a fake and he's working for Ivan." I laughed.

It was easy to let that laugh out than the other giggle. It's absolutely pain-sickeningly hilarious how my life is working out, I've only been on this earth for 23 years and I have had more heartaches than I can fucking handle.

"He's what?!" Kennedy laughed out but kept it quiet and between us. We didn't want Oakley to overhear us. "What are we going to do?" She smiled, giggling some more as I could see the fear and pain in her eyes.

We turned to head back to the house, away from the car, but I still spoke quietly.

"The guys are on their way." I smiled, waving her off.

Kennedy and I headed inside, Oakley was in the kitchen putting away the food. We did our best acting to make it seem like everything was okay, but it was hard as hell.

I just wanted to grab my babies and run, I'm sure Kenn felt the same.

I pray that the boys get here quickly.

If Oakley knows Ivan, then he's just as dangerous, if not, more because he was influenced and convinced that this was okay. That just means that he's capable of being manipulated into doing anything.

"Where do you want the rice?" Oakley asked as Kennedy and I put the groceries bags on the counter.

I pointed to the pantry. "Next to the pasta." I gave him a small smile.

Kennedy eyed me as she began unbagging the other groceries and putting them away. She tried staying as far away from Oakley as she possibly could, her body language appeared understandingly rigid.

I know she's full of terror.

I feel so bad for putting her and her daughter in this type of danger, but it's not like I told him where I live, he already knew. I thought he was genuine, and I thought that I could honestly trust him, but he's just another mistake.

I hate myself.

I need to come up with a plan that can get us out of here now. I can't wait on the boys, whatever he plans to do, he intends to do it tonight.

"Thanks for helping, Oakley." I told him, helping out with gathering the loose bags. "Extra hands are always needing." I giggled, softly. "Especially when it comes to putting up groceries."

I'm appearing to be cool and calm but inside I am dying with terror in what I have to do next.

Grabbing the used grocery bags, I went to put them under my kitchen sink right next to the tools as I reached to grab a flat head screwdriver. It was the long kind. Oakley had his back turned as I slid it to my side, the side he couldn't see.

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