Chapter 17 - I'm Happy For You, Angel

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(Kyson's POV)

"So, you are telling me that you had a chance to hammer Nick's face  in and you chose to take the fucking high road?" Lyle asked me. He  almost sounded like he was the crazy because he couldn't believe the  words that were coming out of his mouth.

I shrugged, knowing that my insides were still on fire about what happened. It's been a long tow days for me. "I've changed."

Lyle stopped to look around the gym, pretending to look for something or someone. "You do know that Scarlett is not here."

I exhaled. "You're right, I wanted to murder him." I tried to not  sound crazy, but I couldn't help but to speak the first thing that came  to my mind. "How fucking dare he put his hands on the mother of my  children, and on her fucking birthday. I wanted to rip this throat apart  and watch him bleed out on the floor." I had to hold back my growl.  "She already hates celebrating her birthday as it is."

Lyle nodded. "You're right, you definitely have changed." He laughed,  rolling his eyes. "But do you know how much you hated that kid when I  was in high school?"

I rolled my eyes, exhaling again, roughly. "I fucking hated that kid,  but I couldn't kick his ass for what he did to you because he was  technically a minor."

"Which is why I'm perplexed as to why you didn't pile drive his face into his neck!" He shouted, just as Declan walked.

"Hey Bosses, I just wanted to make sure that everything was good down  in the basement." Declan gestured for us to follow him. "I have cleaned  it up just the way you wanted me to." He told us as we followed him  down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes at his back. Fucking brown noser.

However, when we did get down to the basement, everything was  spotless. You would have never thought that we found Car      l and his  underground drugged up fight club in here last month. I was actually  impressed with his work, it looked really good.

"Wow." I looked around nodding my head. "I'm genuinely impressed."  I  had to praise him, I would look like a douche if I didn't, he did a  really good job.

Lyle agreed. "Yeah, you got it done just in time for the contractors."

Lyle and I had cleaned up the basement right after we kicked Carl  out, but since then the basement has be tore down and empty out. There  was a lot of crap everywhere from the remodeling process, so I had  Declan clean it all up.

He did a fantastic job, he has been doing a fantastic job.

It makes me not want to hate him.

"You are good to go." I told him. "Make sure that you are here early  in the morning, the contractors will be here by six o'clock, Quinn  should be here too. Either Lyle or myself will relieve you by nine."

I will be taking Scarlett down to the hearing for Ivan's parole in  the morning. I offered to take her because she was so nervous about  seeing Ivan and reliving what he did to her all those years back.

The whole entire gym was not gutted. Everything was going to be  different now, nothing will remain the same. When our old members walk  into this gym, I don't want them to recognize it, I want them to see an  entirely new structure. I don't want them to remember the place they  left, I want them to be invited into something new.

It was still pretty early in the day when we locked up the gym and  left. We hadn't had any lunch, so we ended up at Denny's to eat. I  haven't been here since I was a little kid, so the nostalgia was almost  killing me. Me, my mom, my dad, and Kinsley use to come here every  Saturday to have a family breakfast. I used to always get the stack of  pancakes with bacon on the side.

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