Epilogue - Kyson

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(Kyson's POV)

"I can't wait to see Scarlett." I sighed in desperation. "How long until she moves here?"

"You still have two months." Lyle chuckled, helping me to wrap my hands as we stood in the ring.

We are currently at the gym, getting ready to spar with a couple of other fighters that I know but also do a couple of other workouts. Hitting the bag, the treadmill, and the weights are also on today's agenda.

But my mind's agenda was just to think about Scarlett and how badly I wanted to see her.

It's only 10:10 a.m., so it's going to be a long day.

I'm going to work through it because I get a FaceTime date tonight with Scarlett and our boys. It's the best part of my day, always is.

"In just two months?" I'm surprised. "How long has it been since we left New York? Seven?"

"It's been four and a half." He corrected me, chuckling again.

"Feels like seven or eight to me." I scoffed.

Lyle nodded. "I'm sure it has."

"All I know is that I've been away from her for too long." I added.

He stopped and looked at me crazy. "She came to visit one month after we left."

"Yeah, and three and a half has passed since then." I made him aware. "I miss her."

"You FaceTime her every fucking night, Car." Lyle is finding amusement in my yearning and desperate heart. "The boys, too." He shook his head, smiling.

"I can't hold her through FaceTime, asshole." I sneered.

"You lovesick man." Lyle finished my wrap and helped me slide on my first glove. "I love this for you." He tapped my cheek after securing my glove.

I chuckled. "What about you?" I turned it around on him. "You bought a fucking engagement ring; you're proposing to Paisley soon."

Lyle beamed, sliding on my other glove as he blushed. "Alright, I'm taking back my shit-talking."

I laughed. "See."

It was a long day of working out. Sometimes I hate that this is a career for me. I miss when it was just for fun or just for a bit of cash, it made it enjoyable. Now, I can't wait until the day that my contract is over.

It started as a seven-year contract when I left New York for the first time. Then we edited the contract and I extended it to three more years for advancement of five million dollars because I loved the team that I was working with. I was enjoying winning and the gratification it all came with. I could see myself doing this for a very long time; for the rest of my life even.

I shouldn't have taken that extra money considering how much I make with work I do on the side.

It was a brainless decision.

But now that I know that I have someone who absolutely loves me, and is in another state with our sons, far away, it makes me want to quit and go to them. So, I'm hoping that'll change when they get here, and I can again find satisfaction in the sport that I once favored.

It was pretty late, close to 10 p.m. once we finally made it home. Scarlett had texted me in the middle of my workout to tell me that she can't FaceTime me tonight, her sister, Oakley, would love to see her.

I was upset but I have to understand that I'm not the only one in her life.

My happy spirit for today was slayed by that news.

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