Chapter 23 - I'm Not Elliott

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(Kyson's POV)


She was a major bitch, no doubt.

But I didn't think that she would stoop this low.

So low that she would throw a party, invite a bunch of random people to trash my house, damage and steal my personal belongings. I never thought that she could be this kind of person, so I felt that I didn't have to worry about her.

But I was wrong.

I should have called my house sitter to lock everything up when I found out what she had been planning this entire time with my mother. I completely put my trust in the wrong person, and I know that now.

I am being forced to rush out to LA to take care of everything with the police and to make a report.

So, I decide to rent out a private jet as Lyle, Scarlett, and I were on the first flight out of New York and on the way to LA. This particular flight was exceptional shorter than the flight to New York. I'm pretty sure it was because I had a lot of shit running through my head. I was worried about my dad the entire way there.

I couldn't think about nothing else.

And the more I kept obsessing over him being okay, the slower the time moved.

I wanted to blow my fucking head off.

But once we landed, all that pressure was alleviated and softened as I headed to my dad.

"What are thinking about?" Scar asked me, she sat in the seat right next to me.

I shrugged. "My last flight to New York." I continued. "It was horrible. I couldn't stop thinking about my dad the entire way there." Scarlett wanted for me to speak, so she stayed quiet. "But now, every obsessive though that I could conjure up is nonexistent, and I'm pretty sure that is because you are here." I told her, looking up at her. "So, the answer to your question is nothing."

I smiled at her.

"Good. " She countered.

Landing in LA, there was driver waiting for us at the gate with a service car parked outside. However, the service car wasn't the only thing waiting for us outside. Apparently, someone had tipped off the paparazzi because they were waiting for us as soon as we stepped out of the doors.

"Fuck." I groaned as I pulled off my jacket and quickly placed it over Scarlett's head.

"Kyson, what are you doing?" She panicked.

"Scarlett, there are paparazzi outside, and I don't want them to get a view of your face." I told her, comforting her. "It was bad enough that Lanie posted a picture of you and her on my Instagram. I need you to remain hidden, and stay under this jacket until I tell you otherwise."

Lyle and I walked Scarlett outside to the truck.

"Carter Blackstone." They called my name as we continued towards the truck. "Were any of your belongings recovered?"

"Did they find out who stole your stuff?" One questioned.

How do they fucking know that?

"Who is that women that your hiding?" That same one asked.

"Carter, who were those girls on your Instagram?" Another called out. "Is that why Sophia broke up with you?"

Ignoring them, and with help of the driver, we got in and buckled up with no incident. As soon as we pulled off, I relieved Scarlett from my jacket. She inhaled sharply. "That was pretty intense."

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