Chapter 27 - Can You Help Me With My Zipper?

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(Kyson's POV)

My dad...

He's gone.


Just like Kinsley...

I can't believe that this day has actually come, it was one that I didn't plan to see this soon; his funeral.

A day that I didn't want to see.

I wanted him to get better.

I wanted him to be here with me, to see my boys grow up and graduate from high school. He deserved to have that bond with them, a bond that he didn't exactly get from me.

I wanted that for him.

And I hate that he will never see it.

I frowned at myself in the mirror as I tightened my black tie against my black button-up. I willed myself not to cry because I've been doing it nonstop.

I've been a mess.

Davina is the most torn up over everyone, she hadn't even knowingly had her dad her entire life, only in the last years. I feel bad that this is where it ends for her, I loved their relationship so much because it gave me a view of the relationship that he would have had with Kinsley.

It was loving, caring, and joyous.

Davina deserved this side of him.

And he deserved her.

It's been two weeks since he passed and so far, it hasn't gotten easier.

Everyone is so somber, and emotionally, mentally, and psychically drained. Especially Keema and my mom, they worked hard to put together Dad's funeral. I had no part in it and for a minute I felt bad but then my mom reminded me that Dad never worried about things like that. She said that as long as I got up and said something meaningful in his honor then that's all he would ever want.

Grabbing my keys, phone, and sunglasses off the dresser, I headed out. Before heading to the church, I promised Scarlett that I would pick her, the boys, Kennedy, and Olivia up on the way.

I haven't had a decent conversation with Scarlett since finding out about her and Declan. I feel that's it's not appropriate given the circumstances, so I'll just have to wait until my dad is laid to rest.

But it's hard.

Because when I'm not thinking about how much I'm going to miss my dad, all I think about is her... and Declan.

She fucked Declan.

Fucking Declan...


I thought we were in this together.

I THOUGHT that we were on the same page.

I know how she feels about me, and I thought that what we had going on meant a lot to her because it meant a lot to me. Even though I didn't share my feelings, I still thought that she would read between the lines.

But no... she's been fucking Declan.

Well, she fucked Declan.

Why did she have to pick Declan?

There are thousands of other males in the state of New York...


I also need to apologize for slut-shaming her because she's not a slut. I was just angry. I texted my apology but it's not the same as saying it to her face.

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