Chapter 2 - I'd Feed That Bitch to the Wolves

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(Scarlett's POV)

"Elli!" I heard Sammy scream my best friend's name. I turned around to see Sammy running away from Elliott, laughing and screaming. Sammy hopped on the couch and hid under a couch pillow. Elliott chases him, pretending to be a zombie while Ky walked up from behind him with his toy gun.

"Sammy, I save you!" Kylan yelled in all seriousness, and shot Elliott in the back.

Elliott fell to the ground to fake his death.

I laughed at the three as I grabbed my purse and keys off of the kitchen table.

"Elliott, I'm leaving now." I told him. Kylan and Samuel popped up and ran over to me, hugging both of my legs. "I'll be back in an hour, I promise that I won't stay long. I know you have work in the morning."

Elliott stood up from the floor. "It's fine." He waved me off.

Elliott is such a life saver.

I meet him when I was only three months pregnant with my boys, I seen him for the first time at a local coffee shop. He noticed me of course, I wasn't scouting for boys, I was pregnant. And plus, I don't know how to approach boys.

We started talking and became very good friends, and then best friends. I see him everyday of my life, I couldn't imagine not seeing him or talking to him every single day.

The boys love him, he has became somewhat of a father figure to them. They definitely look up to him and love being around him.

I rubbed the top of my boys heads' before squatting down to their level to give them kisses. "We love you, Mommy."

"I love you, my handsome boys." I told them. "Be good for Uncle Elli." They smiled with a nod. "Good boys." I beamed at them.

Gosh, they look so much like Kyson; splitting image. It's hard not to think about Kyson because I see him everyday in our sons.

I stood up as Elliott walked over to me, and kissed my forehead. "Take your time, love. I'll be here for you as long as you need me to be."

I pouted. "Thank you, best friend."

"Plus, I love you and I love the boys." He rolled his eyes playfully, pulling me in for a tighter hug. "I want to make us a family." He whispered that part in my ear before kissing the side of my neck.

My eyes grew two times their size as I pushed him away. "Elliott, we talked about this. What happened that night was a one time thing. I'm not ready for a relationship."

I love Elliott, but I can't be with him. I'm not ready to be with him because I need to know that I'm completely over Kyson and I don't think that I am.

"I gotta go." I blew my boys one last kiss and headed out of the front door. I couldn't look at Elliott because I was too ashamed. I know that guy loves me more than I love him, but I just can't go there with him. "Love you, guys."

Closing the door, I took a deep breath before heading down the stairs. The sun was going down, and it was getting a little chilly out. A breeze blew by as I pulled my sweater around my body.

I head to my truck knowing that I should just walk up to the hospital since there was bond to be too much traffic out right now, but I know that the sun would have already gone down by the time I leave the hospital. And the last thing I would want to do is walk home in the dark. I don't put myself in situations like because I have seen how cruel the world can be.

It took my awhile to get to the hospital even though it was no more than twenty minutes from my home. I was here earlier today, but I told Keema and Davina that I would be back later on.

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