Chapter 12 - Shit

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(Scarlett's POV)

"I just can't control myself around you."

"Watch it, bitch." Ivan growled. "Remember the last time you made me mad."

"I came because I wanted to show Dave a good time."

"They left. No one is coming to your rescue."

"You better not be out there fucking other dudes." He whispered harshly in my ear. "You are mine and only mine."

"You filthy slut!" He screamed in my face. "You want to be out there slutting around, I'll show you what type of treatment sluts get."

"I need to teach you a lesson." He began to undo my pants.


Gasping up out of my sleep, I took two needed deep breaths. Another nightmare, the fourth one in that last two days. It doesn't matter how many times I wake up and fall back to sleep a night, I see his face in my dreams, his words ringing in my ears and head.

I can't shake him.

I couldn't believe that this was happening again, and it was because of Ivan. He ruined my teen years and now he's ruining my adulthood. I can't get away from him even when I'm away from him, I hate it.

Rolling over in bed, I picked up my phone to see the time, I'm sure it was still really early, the sun was not even up yet.


"Shit." I groaned falling back on my pillow.

Elliott helped me through this stuff before, after the Tyler situation. I hardly remembered anything from that night he kidnapped me, but my subconscious did. I began to experience flashbacks in the middle of the day and nightmares in the night. When I met Elliott, I was barely pregnant with the twins, so new that you couldn't see that I was. For some reason, I trusted Elliott with my life almost right off the bat; we got close very quickly.

Every night that I had a nightmare, I would call him and talk to him. He would talk me back to a peacefully sleep. He was my savior for a long time until it all went away, until I was healed.

My night terrors were of Tyler, never Ivan. I dealt with Ivan while we were in foster care as much as I could. He gave me nightmares, but not many because I was living in a nightmare the entire time I lived with him.

Getting out of bed, I went to the boys' room to make sure that they were covered up, they like to kick the covers off at night.

After leaving the boys room, I grabbed my phone from my room and headed downstairs. While heating up water for tea, I picked up my phone, ready to call Elliott as I hovered my finger over his name. I know that I shouldn't want anything to do with him after he left me and my boys, but I missed him.

He isn't being fair to me.

I told him over and over again that I wasn't ready to be with him, he knew that. I shouldn't have to tell him the reason since I already told him no. But he got mad at me anyway and left. I didn't mean to break his heart which is why I warned him before having sex with him. He just wouldn't take no for an answer, he had to push it.

I still love him, and I still want to be his friend. I also know that he isn't capable of being a friend to me because he wants more.

So into my thoughts, I jumped as the tea kettle went off; the water was ready for my tea.

I poured and stirred my tea in my favorite mug as I realized that I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep unless I talk with Elliott, so I bit the bullet and called him.

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