Chapter 21 - I Need Another Beer

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(Kyson's POV)


Fucking Elliott...

What is he even doing here?

I hate that he just pops up whenever he wants to, and thinks that he can come in and out of my boys' life. I understand that I am their father and that I should be the one to care for them now, but Elliott has been here since they were born. My sons look for him when is not around, but obviously that doesn't matter to him otherwise he wouldn't have walked out on them.

But my sons' are so young, would they even remember him?

I thought we got rid of the awkward silence...

Because if we did, it was definitely back now.






And silence..

On the couch, we all tried focusing on the television, but I could tell that it was all pretend because no one wants to talk.

For one, Elliott don't like me. We have some sort of weird tension because I didn't like him, then he didn't like me back, but now he has no reason to not like me since Scarlett lied about what made him not like me in the first place.

And if I don't like Elliott, then Lyle won't like Elliott.

Two, none of us really know each other except for Lyle and I, and the only reason we are all here is because of one, beautiful, angelic, and very necessary factor; Scarlett.

And three, we are guys. Scarlett is going to have to say something first.

"Elliott, we should talk..." Scarlett said out of nowhere. It was so random that maybe she was calculating shot in her head.

Scarlett and Elliott both rose from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. I could still see them, they were whispering among each other, but I could tell that Scarlett didn't really want to be bothered with Elliott and his bullshit today.

"Is that here boyfriend?" Oakley asked Lyle and I. My head snapped in his direction as I answered his question, quick and accurately.

"No." My tone was harder than I meant it to be.

Oakley just nodded, almost raising his hands to let me know that he doesn't want beef. "I'm just asking, man. I don't know why he's here. You obviously tell that she's bothered."

Lyle and I both looked at each other, confused. "It's not our business." I said, even though I didn't give a fuck about Scarlett's privacy. If I want to know what's ever going on with Scar, I'll know. I just wanted Oakley to stop fucking talking.

"What do you guys know about Elliott anyway?" Oakley asked.

I literally rolled my eyes.

Why the fuck does he care?

Lyle answered, shrugging his shoulders. "We know that he is her friend..." My best friend trailed off.

"And that it's not our business to tell." I added with a hard chuckle.

Elliott and Scarlett talked for a little bit longer before headed back this way to let us know that Elliott will be staying to hangout.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

I didn't want him here because he made everything so fucking awkward. He doesn't say anything, he just sits there, sulking. It's like he hates life so much that he just wants to make everyone else feel unsure.

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