Chapter 18 - This Hearing Is Adjourned

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(Scarlett's POV)

My childhood and teens were stripped from me in so many different  ways, but one particular person hurt me the most. He made my life a  living hell for so long that when I was finally free of him, I promised  myself that he would never hurt me again. He would never have the  ability or the means to make me feel worthless, feeble, or defenseless.

I was here today to make sure that whatever the judges decides, I will prepare myself for what it to come.

"I'm right here with you." Kyson comforted me, placing his hand on my  knee. "He has no power, you have all the power. Even if he gets  released, he does not win. You have overcome so much, he is beneath you.  He will never win."

Kyson and I sat next to each other in the victims' seats at a table  to the right of the room, waiting for Ivan to arrive to his parole  hearing. The parole board sat in front of us all, reading through  paperwork and talking among themselves.

One was a lady, her brown hair was pixie cut and she wore big, red  round glasses, that went along with her big round face. She was  surrounded by three other men at the table. To the right of her was an  olive skinned man, old and bald, he didn't look like the compassionate  type. He looked like he absolutely didn't want to be here. There was  another who looked younger than all the rest of them, he sat to her  left. His head was full of dark hair as his face looked assertive, but  understanding. And the last one stood tall in his seat at her far left,  his back straight with confidence.

I don't think that I'll care for what he has to say.

I know her type, they always think that they know everything.

Just then, the rooms back door opened and in walked Ivan, handcuffed  and smiling. He had an officer walking along side of him and another guy  in a suit on the other; his lawyer.

Ivan didn't even look my way, but I know her seen me sitting there with Kyson.

Kyson was the one and only person that he loathed more one person  could hate another. He hated the fact that I even got involved with  Kyson because one Kyson had his hooks in me, Ivan began having less  influence over me.

I ran to Kyson to stay away from Ivan.

Ivan and his lawyer took a seat at the table to the left of us as  everyone was ready to begin. "You are Ivan Lee Scot?" The round faced  lady asked him, starting the hearing.

Ivan, still handcuffed leaned into the microphone on the table in front of him. "Yes, ma'am. Correct."

As soon as he spoke his first word, my body instantly chilled from  the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. His voice was the same from  when I remember it, the same voice I hear in my nightmares. The same  voice that broke me, destroyed me, and violated me.

He was hear and they were willing to let him free.

"Thank you." She said. "And will you please state your D.O.C number?"

Ivan leaned in again. "Yes, it's 0310-08-083."

"Thank you again." She thanked him. "Good morning, Mr. Scot. And you are represented by whom, this morning?"

Ivan smiled at her. "Thank you, and I am being represented by my attorney, Peter J. Lewinsky."

She nodded. "Okay, and welcome Mr. Lewinsky." She nodded, greeting  his attorney. "The first thing that I am going to do is put on record of  this hearing is an advised of your rights, and ask you to identify your  signature for me, please."

Show a form on the TV screen to the left of us, Ivan looked close at  it displaying his signature clearly. "Yes ma'am, that's it."

She nodded again. "Thank you, it is now on record that you have  recognized your signature as we will move forward. I am Chairman Miller,  with me this morning to the right is Commissioner Davis. Joining us to  my left is Commissioner Reed, and then to his left is Commissioner  Harris."

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