Chapter 22 - Trust Me, I Look

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(Scarlett's POV)

Last night was a fucking shit show. Or least everything that happened after I let Elliott in. The events prior to Elliott were great, I had an awesome bonding experience with my brother, but Elliott had to come in and ruin it even after he said that he would be nice.

I know that he doesn't like Kyson, but because he is my babies' father, I told Elliott that he is going to have to respect Ky or he needs to get out of my life.

Elliott didn't take that well...

****** Flashback to last night******

"What the fuck is your problem?" I turned to Elliott after he ran off Oakley, Lyle, and Ky. I closed the door and locked it. And heading to the couch area to clean up the snacks and beer bottles.

He looked at me like I was crazy. "What the fuck is wrong with me?!" Elliott, he shouted. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're the only hanging out with a couple of douche bags. Are you fucking those guys?"

I returned his crazy face, dropping the beer bottles in the recycle bin next to my trash can. "Are you listening to yourself right now?" I asked him, seriously because he was really standing in front of me, calling me a whore. "Kyson has a girlfriend. Lyle has a girlfriend, who is my best friend. And Oakley is my long-lost brother." His eyes widened in surprise at that last part. "Found that out not too long ago. And you would have known had you stop acting like a fucking child." I nodded. "Yep, he just showed up on my doorstep. Tonight, was my first night actually interacting with him and you fucking chased him off. So, thanks for that!" I shouted before storming upstairs to my bedroom.

I left Elliott there, standing in his own shit like the jackass that he is.

******* END OF FLASHBACK *******

He had some kind of nerve to walk in here and start shit with Kyson even after I let him stay. I love Elliott, he is one of my best friends, but if I had to choose between him and my children's father he would lose, hands down.

My boys don't need him, they need their father.

Of course, I don't want my sons to miss Elliott, but they will eventually get over it. And if Elliott continues down the path that he is on now, he will just be a memory to them and vice versa.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I am seeing a side of Elliott that I have never seen before; the jealous, angry, and spiteful side.

I don't know how to deal with him now that he is like this, so I may just have to keep him away from me and away from my boys.

While I lay in bed, I debated on whether I should just tell Elliott that our friendship is over, or if I should give him one more chance to make things right. I love Elliott, but I can no longer let him treat me or the people that I love any kind of way.

"Please tell me you're not thinking about getting rid of me?" Elliott was suddenly at my door.

Sitting up in my bed, I looked over at him. "I was actually..." I trailed off, looking down at my lap.

I let him sleepover last night; one, because he didn't want to leave while I was mad at him. And two was because he wanted to talk, just me and him.

Elliott came to sit at the edge of my bed. He sat quiet for a while before speaking. "Scarlett, I'm sorry. I was used to being the only man that you needed in your life, but that has changed and I don't know what to do or how to act."

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