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The next few days were hectic, filling out forms, trying not to get caught by the guards as I cleaned the house. I understand that sixes are meant to serve us twos but I couldn't live with that. I made a deal that I would clean the house and wait on my family's hand and foot. Unsurprisingly, my dear family didn't seem to have a problem with that. I mean I wasn't totally heartless for taking away their jobs, I did send them money whenever I could.

"London, where's Sydney?" I whispered to my sister as we sat on the sofa positioned in the eye of the storm that was my mum packing my bags.

"How should I know? He's your brother."

"He's your brother aswell!" I protested, I was clearly too unadvanced to  understand her logic.

"But I'm a successful glamour model, I don't care about gross and annoying younger brothers, or gross and annoying younger sisters now I think about it." Ugh! She drives me crazy sometimes.

I scoured the ground floor in search of him as it was apparently my responsibility to make sure he was doing his school work so he didn't end up a (direct quote here) screw up like me.

I finally found Sydney in mum and dad's room playing around with dad's old suits. I let out a silent chuckle as he stuck out his lips and posed in front of the floor length mirror. For a nine year old he's pretty self-obsessed. I guess all of my family are besides me. Sometimes it feels like I'm adopted.

"Paris, dear, what do you have to say to the public?" Dave, the new presenter, asked in monotone just before we had to board the plane.

Realistically, I had nothing to say to the public, their scowls at my appearance already showed that their prejudice towards me shouldn't be rewarded. However, I didn't want to sound like a stuck up cow who was too good for speaking to commoners so I spoke from the heart.

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

"What do you mean by that?" He asked suddenly intrugiued. I felt the cameras zoom into my face on edge to what I was going to say.

"I just mean that you shouldn't let your caste define you. Nor your gender, your occupation, your sexuality, nothing. Don't let what's on the outside illustrate your inside." And with that I boarded the plane.

Walking down the isle I noticed a few glares not so stealthily shot in my direction from some of the other girls. I didn't understand why they were already judging me. I literally did nothing but walk onto the plane.

"It's quite annoying really, all the stares." I spun round trying to match the voice with the face. Sitting in the corner was a girl about my age with chocolate brown hair tightly curled and fell just below her ears, We hadn't even entered the palace but she looked like she belonged there. "I'm Claire, a four."

"Paris, a I-don't-give-a-shit what caste I am." Okay so I didn't mean to sound so aggressive. Luckily she just laughed in response before gesturing for me to take the seat next to her. "Why are you even talking to me? Everyone hates me, I'm the only two that even got into the selection."

"I believe in what you believe in."

"And what's that?"

"That the caste system is shit."

If you didn't guess that's Paris ---->

Yeah, I don't even know what to say..


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