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It was exactly 5:59pm, my date with Danny was in precisely a minute and I was freaking out. My maids dressed me in a pale pink dress that reached my feet without poofing out extravgantly. In the light the sparkles shon almost blinding to the human eye. I meant that metaphorically, obviously. That would be extremely dangerous. 

As for my hair, Shana loosly curled it with these very dangerous looking heated robots. It was simple, just the way I liked things. Jess followed the patten making my makeup light and innocent. She put, what i just found out, foundation on all the areas of my face blending it down to my neck, a coat of mascara and a light pink lipgloss. 

I liked the way the entire outfit together made me look princess like. As a child- before London got obssessed with being bossy- my sister and I would dress up like princess and forced everyone else in the house to bow down to us. Man did I miss those days. 

My eyes averted back up to the clock that hung above the dressing table seeing that it was bang on six. I finally slipped on some matching pink heels and hurried out the door. 

"Go get 'em tiger, i mean miss!" Lyssa called out the door making a giggle force itself upon my lips. She probably would've got dragged back into the rook by Jess and Shauna.

Seeing the brief sunlight from the palace gardens caused a sigh of relief to escape my lips, I was almost there with only 2 minutes of lateness. 

"And where do you think you're going?" A girl about my age inquired slamming her inch high heel into the marble floors. It took a moment for me to realise that she was one of the selected, Amy. A five she was. Basically if you were a five you were a favourite. Our queen was a five so everyone immediately assumes that you are the exact same to America and were likely to win the crown. 

Deciding not to lie I answered, "The gardens, why do you care?"

"The garden, huh? Meeting anyone in paticular?"


"No secret boyfriend? Come on, we all know you twos are in it for the crown and don't give a crap about the prince."

"Oh really?"


"Okay, thanks. I'm always open to opinions even if they're wrong." And with that I was ready for my dramatic exit that was rudely interupted by the sound of Amy's nail clawing down my cheek. I recoiled at the pain and brought my hand to my face. I looked at her smug face before racing off towards the doors that I persumed led to the gardens. I did see trees and gardeny stuff so i'm guessing it is the garden.

"Sorry miss, can't go through here," the guard at the door insisted taking grip on my arm. Quite rude I must say. 

"But the prince-"

"The prince never came through here. You're going to have to come with me." His grip tighted vastly causing and irrational pain to submerge just below my shoulder. I didn't understand, the prince requested me. 

I attempted to say something but my mouth was gagged with some kind of material. What material it was I'm not 100% sure on. 

Another thing I noticed was that the guard did not have a name tag stitched to his uniform unlike all the other guards I had seen around the palace.

My vision was slowly spinning manuvering around black spots that had appeared in front of my very eyes. At least three more men, it was hard to tell, appeared from around the corner all with the same intention in mind.

To kidnap one of the selected, i.e me. 


Another update? Whatttt?

So I finally got my laptop and I'm just obssessed with it! So I like had to update. 

-Moi is very happy from watching show-

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