New Book?!

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So I'm writing a new story so that's kinda what I've been busy with. It's called Treacherous and it's not a fan fiction but my own story. I'm not very good at explaining but the preview is on my account if you wanna go check that out. Also if you guys wanna make a cover for it I would be extremely grateful as my cover making skills are simply terrible. Thanks!

Right, so, um.... This whole not updating in a couple of months thing. So I'm sorry I haven't uploaded but I do have a couple shitty excuses:

1. I was busy writing Treacherous (I have two chapters written)

2. Life

3. School? I mean I've started year 9 so as this is my first year of my GCSEs I've been kinda busy with all the work and stuff.

4. Friends. I've had so many friendship issues in the past month alone including my best friend (who has been my best friend for 8 years) has left my friendship group and it has kinda stressed me out. I mean everything is resolved now as they've moved on.

5. Writers block. I literally have no idea what to write and where to take this story.

6. Just kinda got bored with it to be honest.

7. Netflix, that's a shitty excuse but I'm obsessed and have watched a billion shows.

So yeah, I'm sorry about not posting but if you guys could check out my new story I would very much appreciate it!!

Love you all!


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