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To say the Halloween ball was beautiful would be an understatement. Cobwebs filled each corner of the room illuminated by an army of lights transitioning from colour to colour. The guards rimmed the sides of the hall dressed in their uniforms substituting as dance partners- the prince couldn't dance with everyone at once.

Many of the selected mirrored each other in their princess based costumes. I even saw a couple fairies and birds. As far as I looked nobody else showed up the same as me. My dress was black lace ending mid thigh. The rest of my legs were covered by dark patterned tights decorated with skulls. My shoes and jewellery matched the dark theme but what really brought the look together was the makeup. My eyes were covered in black eye shadow, winged eyeliner and these long fake eyelashes. Lyssa said that it was known as a Smokey eye and even I had to admit it looked good. My face was flawless and my lips were a blood red. My maids gave me these odd looking fangs that, to be honest, I forgot I was wearing. My mouth and neck was spotted with fake blood. Finally my blonde hair was dyed back to its original state with a few highlights and was pulled up in a fancy up do.

I decided to go as a vampire like one of my favourite classics of all time, Twilight. It's about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and befriends a hot werewolf. She eventually marries the vampire and becomes one herself. I wasn't exactly Bella Swan but I was a more badass version.

I descended the staircase catching attention from many of the girls. I wasn't Cinderella but I did make an entrance. My eyes caught Henry's and I was about to join him for a dance before I was rudely interrupted by none other than Amy. Her dress was a light blue that sparkled under the lights. It poofed out like her hair that ran in ringlets down her back. The glass shoes and silver tiara could only result it one thing, Amy had came as Cinderella. And now? She was claiming her grand entrance.

"And what are you? A goth from the 21st century? How lame," she sneered looking me up and down.

"I happen to be a vampire, someone that could squish a puny mortal like you." Okay it sounded better in my head.

"What a nerd!" Amy laughed setting off a gang of other girls. I looked around at the cackling witches recognising a few faces. There was Tiffany, the girl I helped with her history work. Maya, the girl I was there for when she missed home. Sophie, I visited her in the hospital wing when she was sick. The list went on. How could they turn on me now?

"Wow, it seems Cinderella really does need her army of rats, how else did she get to the ball?" Score for me! Was it bad I enjoyed sassing people? Meh.

The sniggering stopped leaving Amy gapping like a fish desperate for water.

"Awe don't gape like that, you'll attract your fishy cod mother." And that my friends, is how you defeat a bitch.

As for what Amy did next remained a mystery even to me. I walked away subtly fixing my hair and smoothening my dress. I met with Henry as a new song came on. Personally, I didn't know that song but by the way Henry danced I guessed that he did. We didn't say anything, only movements in time to the beat. I may have history with this guy but that didn't make our dance any less awkward. It was practically a relief when the song ended. A trumpet sounded announcing the entrance of the royal family.

I felt a little wary of king Maxon from last night but I chose to ignore it. He entered as a pirate with his wife chuckling on his shoulder. Princess Elise and Princess Celeste wore matching fairy costumes that sparkled like Amy's dress. Finally my smile widened at Prince Daniel. His costume was simular to mine only he wore a black suit with a white shirt under the dark jacket. His dark brown hair was gelled back but what really sold the look was the fangs and fake blood.

Danny locked eyes with me supressing a smile at our matching costumes. It appeared that his father also noticed the similarity. My dress suddenly felt tight, my hair felt messy and my skin was crawling in sweat. I felt really faint. What happened yesterday crashed down on me and to be completely honest, I was terrified.

I didn't realise the music had started again until I was dancing in some guards arms. My mind hadn't completely registered what was happening all I knew was that this guy was whispering dirty things in my ear. I didn't want to cause a scene so I just took it in.

Once the dance was over Claire came racing up to me faster than you can say, "Wow." Her dress was a shimmering greeny blue colour that hugged her round the middle before poofing out below her knees. Claire's hair was dyed a dark red with extensions that reached her waist. She must've been the only mermaid at the party.

"Girl, you look perfecto. I wish I had thought of something so creative." She pouted then smiled as a joke. The truth is that kids in the 21st century traditionally dressed as blood thirsty creatures of the night and went round collecting sweets.

"No way, look at you!"

"I know, I know. I look hot," Claire smiled, "but I don't match the prince." She wiggled her eyebrows at Danny spinning Amy round effortlessly. I sighed wishing that was me. I turned back to Claire only to see that she was no longer behind me. Hmmmmmm...

The rest of the night was uneventful. Danny hadn't danced or spoken to me at all. I sat down sipping on my fizzy drink disguised as champagne thinking about everything and nothing.

The sound of a throat being cleared snapped me out of my daze forcing my eyes up to the owner of the noise. I straightened a little at the prince.

"May I have this dance?" His sweet voice was too irresistible to deny. I nodded as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

"I was beginning to think that you forgot about me."

"You? Never." Danny's raspy voice whispering in my ear made my heart beat that little bit faster. "How about we change the music to something a little bit more, danceable." He led me over to the corner where a DJ controlled the music and I watched as he picked out some tango song.

"I didn't know you could dance," I pointed out as everyone else cleared a space in the centre of the room.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." And with that the dance began. Our bodies moved together to the beat of the song. I blocked out every single nosey person watching our dance and some new found confidence sprung from inside of me.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I just want to say thank you for everythinggggggggggggggggg!!!!!! Okay Louisa clam down, we all know you have a problem.

Did you guys hear that the royal baby is called Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana? I personally thought she should've been called Louisa but oh whale.

To the side is Paris' outfit --------->

Btw, I imagined the dance like the one from Another Cinderella Story- the one at the black and white ball so I'll try and link that too.


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