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  • Dedicated to Sophie

She's dead.

That's all i could think about- her death. London never deserved to be killed so brutally; nobody did. It was inhuman, unimaginable and unthinkable what they did to her. 

I wasn't even fazed by the prince wishing to speak with me. I knew he'd kick me out; I was done, damaged, not worth fighting for. And if I was completely honest, I kinda did want to leave, go home to my family. They may not have been the best but at least they were there. 

My eyes trailed down m arm and to my hand, which was linked with the prince's. He led me to the forbidden floor, the third floor. I could only guess that the room he was taking me to was his own.

The door creaked breaking the awkward silence lingering in the atmosphere. The room wasn't dark like I'd imagined. Not that I had imagined his room or anything. The wall were a clear white colour and I silently chuckled remembering only a couple of days ago white being his favourite colour. 

Strange; strange to think that our first encounter was only a few days ago It had felt like so much longer. 

Lost in thought I didn't notice Daniel already sitting on his bed. Not quite sure what to do, I awkwardly stood in the corner by the doorway. 

"Is this it? Are you going to send me home now?" I asked my voice wavering. My eyes never left the floor admiring each speck of dust as if it was the most interesting thing I had ever seen.

"And why would I do that?" My ears pricked up at the sound of his feet hitting the ground and drawing closer and closer to where I was standing. 

"Because I'm a mess? Because I'm not worthy to be a princess? Because-"

"Paris, those things make you human, they make you who you are," he whispered cutting me off. 

"They killed my sister," I confessed bursting into uncontrolable sobs, "They threatened to kill my family!"
Instead of replying with some kinda answer pretending that everything was okay, he tucked an arm around my shoulder and pulled my shaking body to his. 

Whoever said hugging made things better was geniually the smartest person on this planet. 

"What did they do to you?" he asked, his voice so gentle.

"I don't wish to speak about it," I answered sobering up. 

The prince caressed my cheek wiping away a tear that had slipped it's way out. The seconds felt like hours with him looking into my shattered eyes. 

It all happened too fast. He leant in, I followed suit. His lips touched mine in the best kiss I've had in a long time. 

Right there and then, everything was perfect. 


Hello Sophie.

*Slurps milkshake*


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