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"If you go down to the woods today

You're sure of a big surprise.

If you go down to the woods today

You'd better go in disguise!"

I sang them same words over and over rocking forwards then back. Images of that night, the blood, flashed in my mind driving me to sing louder. I glanced over at the doll in the corner of my room only to see blood pour out from the eyes. I shook my head clearing my thoughts, there was nothing there. I was sure of it.

I could only think why? Why me of all people to torture? I have never been of any importance yet why has that changed? I balled my fists collecting chunks of hair whilst doing so and letting out a high pitched screech.

I first noticed the commotion at the door before hearing the voices.

"She is in no stable condition right now."

"The public must never find out about this."

"Her family were just murdered in front of her very eyes."

"Please father, let me speak to her."

I picked up the hem of my ratty nightgown I had been forced to wear and rose to my feet. I slammed at the door screaming for them to shut up. The voices stopped but the eyes wandered through the glass window. My face pressed against the glass my eyes sending warnings of terror.

"I need air." I whispered before sitting back down onto the bed, "I need air." I repeated the sentence begging for the door to be opened.

With a small squeak the door was unlatched and then opened. I caught a breeze of the air it brought in savouring the second of air before the door was shut again. Standing tall against the shut door was the prince. His jacket stood tall on his shoulders as I caught a slight hint of his cologne, cinnamon.

He was basically Christian Grey with a crown above his head.

"Paris.." He breathed turning towards my fragile figure. That was all it took. I clambered to my feet stumbling towards my prince. I wrapped my arms around his waist catching him by surprise. I dug my head into his chest as if he was a large teddy bear. I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders comforting my broken state.

"Please, please don't leave me," I whispered helplessly clinging to his shirt. I felt my body shift as I was placed into the bed sitting with my feet dangling off the bed. Next to me was Daniel his hair ruffed up and his tie slightly askew. Previously I hadn't noticed the slight creases in his jacket as if I wasn't the first girl he had visited that morning. I shrunk back wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Had fun this morning with whoever you were with?" I sniffed pulling my legs into my chest.

"What? That's not what-"

"It's okay. It's not like we're together or anything."


"And it's okay to be with the other girls."

"I want you to leave." His voice was stern, so demanding.

And this time it was my turn to question him, "what?"

"I want you to leave, now."

"What, why? Was it my outburst? I'm sorry, please, I have nobody to go to. I'll be forced onto the streets with-"

"Woah, calm down. I'm not sending you home."

"But you said-"

"What I meant was, I want you to leave this mad room. To go back to your actual room and continue like a normal day in the palace."

"Oh." I was relived. I felt the blood racing through my veins bubbling at the intense heat. I rose to my feet taking the prince's extended hand and following him out of the cell.

Wandering the halls again made me feel at home and safe. My eyes had closed shut as I found my room from memory; the visions of blood had disappeared. No longer did I see my parents perishing at the hand of a sick man. No longer did I hear the screams my brother made as he shrunk to the floor in death.


Arriving at my door the door was coated in a new coat of white paint hiding the Invisible scars from my past at the palace. I turned the knob to be greeted by a room not recognised as my own but at the same time felt familiar. I was about to exit thinking that I had wandered into the wrong room when three very familiar faces leaped from their hiding places yelling 'suprise'. Shana, Jess and Lyssa all ventured towards me enveloping me in a large group hug.

Taking a peek over their shoulder at my room I took note of how beautiful everything was. The walls were a pastel pink with a small grey trim across the bottom of the wall. Matching with the theme the bed sheets were a light pink with a fluffy grey blanket draped across the edge of the bed. Decorating the bed were light grey cushions some with sewn flowers or hearts and others plain grey. My wardrobe stood tall and white lined with outlines of flowers. One side of the room had my vanity table the other stood a manikin dressed in a light pink dress that resembled a ballet dress. At the feet of the manikin were a pair of untouched ballet shoes.

"You guys got me my own ballet dress and shoes?" I questioned out of amazement. My background was known to be rich as we were twos but as the 'Cinderella' of the family I was never allowed my own ballet shoes. To dance I wore a pair of worn out shoes I had bought from a school fair with my grubby overalls.

"We saw a design on your desk of what looked like a beautiful room design so we tried to recreate that design," Lyssa beamed proudly a smile wide across her face.

"I love it, really. Thank you so much." I hugged the girls one last time before heading to the bathroom for a well anticipated bath.



Okay don't shoot, please. I've had a serious case of writers block but at least I updated, right? No. Okay.

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