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"Paris, oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" He engulfed me in a tight hug which I gladly returned. I didn't think I would see him again, ever. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I heard about you being selected and I had to come visit you, to see you. It took some time, getting the training and everything but I'm here. Paris, I'm really here!" He spun me around the sweet sound of music in the background. 

We slow danced there for what seemed like forever holding on to each other like it was the last time we would ever see each other; kind of like the last time we thought we'd see each other...


"Why do you have to go?" I whined holding onto his arm like a lost puppy begging for food. 

"Because this isn't right and you know it; what would your mother say if she found out that you were dating a seven?"

"Stop please, you know I don't care about the castes-"

"But your mother-"

"OR my mother, Henry I love you," I blurted not entirely thinking through my words. I took that two seconds to do so and for once, I didn't regret anything I had just said. I simply smiled looking up into his eyes begging for him to say them back. 

He never did. 

I had just assumed that his actions spoke louder than words. He pulled me into a tight hug and swayed to the beat of my music player. Nothing was as perfect as that moment, nothing could ruin that perfect moment. 

Until she came into my room: it was my mother. 

That she-devil ripped his body from mine and pushed him out the door. I cried out; I screamed. He did the same but it was no use. What was done, was done. 

I never saw him again. 


I never saw him again, until today. 


I know it's not a reasonable reason for not updating but I've just been obsessed with Pretty Little Liars at the moment and I'm already on season three. It's not bad!

Btw, the picture that I added is Henry :D

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