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Yeah I stopped with the French chapter numbers after I realised three was most likely Spanish.. *whistles awkwardly*

I now take GCSE French (working at an A and predicted an A*) and I know that tres is Spanish and trois is French, thanks but you didn't need to point it it out.

The next day at breakfast I was woken by the glorious sound on my maids shaking me awake. Note the sarcasm. This was the supposed morning we were to meet the prince but I guess it's too late for that. I smiled at the memory of last night; how he spoke, how he dressed. I let out a mental sign before inwardly shaking my head. I could not fall for the prince, I didn't even want to be here.

Lyssa presented me a radiant emerald gown that fit tightly in the waist but then sprung out below. I'd always liked the colour green and it tied in nicely with my extravagant hair. As for the shoes I was offered a pair of matching heels that added height to my short figure in which I could not refuse.

Like the makeover the day before, I requested that my makeup should be light as I'm a strong believer of natural beauty. Not really, I just didn't like the sticky feeling of being caked in gunk. My hair was curled then styled into a fancy updo leaving a few of my blonde strands hanging out the front.

As for jewellery I just wore my beloved necklace that had gold ballet shoes hanging from a gold chain. I received this as a gift from my late grandpa before he died as a birthday present. He was the only person who ever understood me and treated me like a real person and for that I'm thankful. I wear this necklace as a symbol of thankfulness.

"I'll escort you down the grand hall just in case you forgot where it was from the tour yesterday." That was something I missed, we had a grand tour of the palace but to be honest I wasn't really paying much attention.

"Thank you, for everything."

"No worries, miss, it's our job." A sick feeling washed over me, did they want this life? Did they like serving me? Of course not, why would they? I shook my head remembering that this was a part of a royals life and I needed to get used to it.

Exiting my room and travelling down the hallways towards the grand hall my brain tried to memorise the path to each area. Before I knew it we were at the entrance to the hall alongside the other selected. I noticed a couple girls eyeing my dress and failing to whisper to the next person, "what a show off," or "attention whore."

To be completely honest I didn't really mind because it wasn't them who I was trying to impress. If anyone it would be Prince Daniel, or Danny. My heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him again.

What was wrong with me?

Why was I so hungover about this guy I legitimately just met?

That was when the doors opened and the food was displayed. I gasped at the piles of fresh food waiting to be eaten. Back home I wasn't often allowed to each rich food, I ate the leftovers my family didn't want. I pretty much the cinderella of the family.

I took my seat next to Claire grinning at how gorgeous she looked in her ruffled blue dress. By the looks of it, it came down past her ankles hiding whatever shoes she intended on wearing. Her hair was curled and her glasses were gone. I could only guess contacts.

Immediately I rose to my feet in the same way everybody else was already standing slightly embarrassed by my mishap. The sound of the doors creaking open caught the attention of every person in the room. It revealed the royal family itself: Queen America, King Maxon, Princess Elsie, Princess Celeste and lastly Prince Daniel.

Princess Elsie was the middle child, like myself, at the age of 14 whilst her older brother was 19. Princess Celeste's birth was announced a little over a 3 years ago and was broadcasted to the whole of Illéa.

I noticed the selected glaring longingly at the prince and looked away when I realised that I was one of them. At the end of the table where the prince saw I saw that his eyes looked only at me and for a brief second our eyes locked together.

"Girls, please sit," Daniel announced breaking his gaze from me and looking in all directions. We sat and placed the napkins on our laps remembering what the lady from the tour, Danielle, had said about manners.

"So, I like your hair," Claire stated making polite conversation as we began our meal.

"Thank you, I like yours." Her hair came in curls to just about the shoulders, which in my opinion suited her really well.


We made small talk all through breakfast until I couldn't stuff anymore in. The prince rose tapping his glass to gain everybody's attention, "I will now get the divine honour of speaking to you all starting at this end of the table." He gestured his end of the table and considering I was at the opposite end I just presumed I would be last.

I stared down at the empty plate and realised that maybe I did wanna stay in the selection.


So it was my 13th birthday like a week and a half ago and I got money for a new laptop as I broke my old one (long story that involves water) so I will start writing and stuff on there. I'm currently using my iPad which is a little inconvenient but oh well, it'll do.

Have a flawless night (depending on where you live or when you're reading this) and goodbye.

-Moi has left zee building-

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