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I would say that Danny came to visit me that night but i'd be lying. He didn't.

My night gown was spread all over my bed and my eyes were glued to the balcony door. It didn't move so I did. I walked over to the balcony and stuck my legs through the gaps inhaling a deep breath. My eyes trailed down to the dark figure walking in circles around the fountain. 

At first I thought it was a rebel and my heart was beating really fast. As I took a closer look I reconised a lock of brown hair that swung over his eyes and the way he walked with such class and posture. Danny. 

Watching him talk to himself may sound a bit stalkerish but I didn't care.I could just about dechipher what he was saying and my cheeks turned pink as I realised he was talking about me. A bit odd that he was talking to himself but I'm not one to judge. 

I willed him to look at me by humming ever so quietly. It seemed to work as, after a while, his head tilted up towards mine. Our eyes locked and he pinched his nose. I repeated our signal just before he pointed to the room behind me. I nodded and he took of towards the garden doors. 

My heart was racing at an uncontrollable speed as I checked myself out in the mirror. My hair was a mess so I smoothed it out. My face was a disaster so I attempted to put a minimal amount of makeup on hiding my dark circles. 

The sound of knocking gave me such a shock that I tumbled backwards onto my bed in not the most graceful manner. 

I scurried to my feet  not wanting to keep the prince waiting. I opened the door about to say something but was cut off by his lips on mine. 

He pushed me deeper into the room kicking the door closed behind him. The kiss felt so good, like a couple thousand butterflies were trapped inside my stomach desperate to get free. 

I think it's safe to say that I'm still in the competition. 


I know it's short but I did just update a couple of minutes ago...


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