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Nothing was said. Nothing was done. The queen just stood in the doorway an unreadable expression etched across her perfect appearance. There was a combination of relief, anger, regret and disbelief.

The clogs churning inside of me suddenly accelerated to an unbearable speed mixing in together every single doubt about myself. She had every right to be ashamed in me; if I were in her shoes and my son was poisoned by a possible wife-to-be I was be furious. I would spin so hard off my rocket I would've landed on Pluto.

My head stopped in confusion at what she did next; the queen herself ran forward and engulfed me in a tight motherly hug. All my life I had pictured what it would feel like for my mother to pull me into a loving embrace and now I knew what the sensation felt like. It was as if all my troubles vanished- like magic.

"My sweet, I can't imagine what you must be going through but I understand your motives." The queen spoke with layers of experience and understanding that I had almost forgotten what I had done. That was until the guilt came crashing back down on me.

"Y-you do? Your majesty," I added quickly my body quavering as I held my back low into a curtsy.

"Oh yes my dear. I understand the powerlessness you felt at the thought of the safety concerning your family. I too would do anything to protect the ones I love and I, uh, lost my father when I was around your age. I know the heartbreak you felt losing someone so close to you." Her words of wisdom were so enchanting, I could see where her son had got that from.

"Queen America, Prince Daniel, I am truly sorry for the poison and the-" I was cut off by the bang of the doors flying open to reveal a very pissed off looking King. I swear his eyes were literally red with fury as he blustered his way through his wife grabbing my arm.

"How dare you threaten the life of your prince, my son!" King Maxon thundered tightening the grip he had on my arm. I could physically feel the blood rising to the surface of my skin making my stomach feel a little woozy.

The drums beating inside my earlobes were so close to bursting that I could only make out a few things that were said.

"Dad, please. She doesn't deserve this."

"Maxon we need to talk about this."

"Let her go dad!"

"Maxon, stop!"

I could only guess they belonged to the queen and Danny but they were cut off by the king dragging me out into the hallway. Effortlessly he slammed by helpless body to the ground earning a pathetic whimper that escaped my mouth. I lifted my hand to my nose only to feel a hot sticky liquid and as i retracted my hand, all I saw was blood. My eyes were watering besides my efforts to stay strong.

Footsteps were heard followed by multiple gasps. I lifted my head only to see the queen side by side with Danny with looks of fearfulness strung across their faces. Their presence to my eyes began to blur and the room was spinning completely out of control.

What shocked me most was the King. He stood there guilt, fear and shock racing through his veins then portrayed in his eyes.

"W-what did I do?" Maxon whimpered almost as terrified as I was, "I'm sorry, I didn't, I..I." He glanced at America before letting a few tears drop, "I am becoming my father." It was a whisper that echoed through the palace; as if nobody else was there except him and her , the King and the Queen.


Hey gurllll Heyyyy!!

Maybe a bit more of a dramatic chapter but who doesn't like drama, eh?

You guys should go check out @NancySanda because she made the awesome cover for me and I am so grateful!!!!!

That's pretty much it...

Adios Amigos!

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