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Just over two weeks had passed and Danny hasn't spoken one word to me since the kiss. Was is that bad a kiss?

To make matters worse, he's been hanging out with all the other girls at every waking moment not even bothering to bat an eyelash at me. I was sure I would be one of the net girls to leave but I wasn't. Danny had kept me here to do what? Just so that he can ignore me and flirt with all the other girls?

There were nineteen girls left in the selection; nineteen girls all desperate for the prince or the crown. Nineteen girls I had to compete with. 

Turning over the page my eyes flickered up at the sound on heels clicking against the marble flooring. Strutting towards Claire and I was Amy. Well, she wasn't specifically walking towards us, more towards all of us girls. 

"Danny kissed me!" she shrieked jumping up and down metaphorically punching holes on the floor. They way she said Danny made my heart clench. I thought I was the only one who was allowed to call him Danny. 

That's what made me special. 

"Omg! That means your his first kiss! I'm so jealous right now!" Maya screeched joining the jumping fit. I rolled my eyes to cover the clearly evident pain hidden beneath them. I looked back down at my book suddenly not satisfied with what I was reading.

Just as I got up to fetch a different book the doors opened once again. Standing there was the Queen herself. Queen America was rarely in the woman's room instead I usually see her in the gardens with the king. 

Everybody rose to their feet dusting of their dresses. 

"I have an announcement to make, this Friday night we will be holding our annual Halloween dance and you are all expected to come following the theme."

Excitement arose around the room with girls already planning what they were going to wear. 

"I wonder what the theme is?" I whispered, not to quietly, to Claire. 

"i'm glad you asked," the queen answered silencing everyone, "Our theme this year is Fantasy."


And done. 

Sorry there's no Danny but.... uh that's it. I'm just sorry.

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