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"Will you participate?"

My eyes could only focus on one thing, the gun to my sisters head. My eyes averted from hers to his. Stealing a gulp I fed my answer, "And what would that be?"

"Glad you asked. My sweet pea, killing the prince of course." My heart thundering in my chest, everything made sense. My sister was the bait to convince me to kill our future king. How could they expect me to choose between them? Exactly, I couldn't and he knew that. "You see you will slip this poison into his morning tea everyday before he becomes dangerously sick. That's when he will die from this sickness closely followed the rest of the royal family. And then, well, I will take control and lead this country!"

His speech ended in a malicious fit of laughter aimlessly tossing the poison between his palms. The bottle was small, easily mistaken for medicine. 

"And what if I don't participate?"

"Ah, that's where you sweet sister comes in. Don't participate and she dies." He lines the gun up to her forehead. I couldn't just let her die, just as I could't just let the prince die. I had to find a way to escape with London by my side. 

"No," I whispered looking down at the stone flooring.

"No?" The bullet pierced through her skull releasing at spine chilling screech. Water rose to my eyes tipping over the side with zero control. I screamed out for her as I watched her dead body fall to the ground swirling into an inch deep pool of blood. That was our blood, our family's blood spilled over the filthy terrain of this building.

The tug of the guards pulling at my arms wasn't nearly enough pain compared to what I just witnessed. Her death affected me both mentally and physically. Catching a sneaky glimpse at my arm I saw a purple mark the size of my fist forming on the upper part of my arm.

"Let me repeat the question, will you participate? If not, say goodbye to the rest of your dear family starting with you." he aimed the gun straight at my forehead ready to make the kill. 

I nodded weakly choking back a sob, "Yes. Yes, i'll do it."

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