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"Nice moves." The voice was male and undeniably breathtaking. I fell to the floor after broken concentration clutching my ankle. "Are you alright?" He asked a smirk etched across his lips.

"Yeah I'm just so sorry. I know I'm supposed to be in bed and I-"

"Don't worry about it."

"You aren't going to hurt me?"

"Why would I hurt you, I'm the prince. I do have manners." I immediately scurried to my feet in attempt to cutesy at my future king.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh I'm sorry it's just that your the prince and I..uh.." He just chuckled at my slight attempt to be polite. "What?"

"I like you, you're funny. What's your name?"

"I'm Paris Marie."

"Ah, the two." I hung my head in shame disappointed in my ranking. "Interesting."

"Yeah I better get going back to bed, Prince..uh.."

"Daniel, and just call me Danny."

"Okay. Goodnight Danny."

"Goodnight Paris."

A small smile appeared on both mine and his face as I gently pushed past him on the way back to my room. Maybe I was going to like this place after all.


As I arrived back to my room I did not imagine my three maids still standing there with cornered expressions in their eyes. Nobody had ever felt worried for me before.

When each of them noticed my arrival back their faces lit up. "Oh miss, we were so worried about you."

"Come on let's get you ready for bed."

"I'm really sorry for that outburst earlier, it was so un-princess like and I apologise." They simply smiled and nodded before undressing me from my silk dress and handing me a pink night gown.

I slipped into the covers and immediately drifted off into a pleasant oblivion.

A bit short but at least it's an update.

I just wanna thank everyone that reads and votes for my story, all of them. It means so much to me!


Btw, that's Prince Daniel ----->


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