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"As the Elite, classes will be harder and we will be focusing on each one of you in a much detail as the world needs to know. Normally we would tell you to be yourselves but you are the future for this country, there is no time to be yourself." Danielle cleared her throat giving us all a stern look.

I found it difficult to resist the urge to roll my eyes at the ridiculousness of this woman but I refrained myself to appear more 'lady like'. I almost let out a laugh at the thought of sipping my tea with my pinky out and thanking the tea for being so wonderful.

"I would like to inform you girls of the arrival of the Italian Royal Family. Not only is this task a test of your event planning talents but a opportunity to get closer with your fellow competition. You ladies will be into two groups of three, that I have picked out, and will be working together to host a welcoming party for the Italians. They will receive two events."

I scanned the room eyeing the remaining girls that had made it to the elite. I wasn't shocked to see Amy grinning widely formulating an idea in her head. Next to the she devil was a small girl who I believed to be Remi. Her hair was ginger and fell around her shoulders in big curls. She had many freckles dotting her cheeks that were still prominent under her makeup. She looked innocent enough but I knew better than to trust anybody. On the other side of Amy was Claire, Maya and Sophie. Together that made six of us, the elite. 

I didn't mind who I worked with, I knew I wouldn't get on with anyone so when Danielle announced the teams I wasn't too shocked to learn that I would be forced to work with Amy. It was Amy, Sophie and I. Immediately Amy took control by grabbing Sophie and I by the straps of our dresses and dragged us to a corner.    

"First of all we need a team name, I think-" Amy began looking straight at Sophie ignoring me. 


"-that we should be called-"

"Excuse me but I asked why?"

"Why what?" Amy asked so sweetly as if she only just noticed my presence. 

"Why we need a team name, surely there are more important things to think about." 

"Like what, how to sleep with the prince because honey, I already did that." Her words were like venom injected into my veins. 

"What?" My voice was small, taken back. It couldn't be true, could it? Think Paris, why else would he have chosen to keep Amy?

"Yeah, that's right. While you were screaming about your dead family down in the mad house Daniel and I were, how do I put it? Getting to know each other." Her smile was sickly. Everything about her were sickly: the way she smiled, twirled her hair. Now I don't even know why I bothered to save her that day, I should have left her to suffer. So she could feel my pain. 

I didn't say anything and what happened next was a bit of a blur. All I remember was lunging at her, clawing at her stupid face as we stumbled towards the door. I remember taking my fist down at her before she went cold. I stopped. 

By then everyone was in a rush to get to us, to split us apart. I looked down at Amy. She wasn't moving. I was shaking too violently to do anything. I couldn't check her pulse. 

I might have just killed someone. I was a murderer, a cold blooded murderer. And the worst part wasn't that I had killed someone, it was that I didn't regret it. 


A/N: (this is gonna be a long one)

Hey everybody, I know I haven't uploaded in months.. I know, I know. Shoot me. Just kidding, please don't. 

So I think I got over my writers block as I have been working on a new fanfiction. If you like Harry Potter (who doesn't) and Percy Jackson you could check out my works as I have started a crossover fanfiction. So yeah, if you could check that out it would be awesome. Btw, it's called 'Studying the art of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.

So.... how was the chapter? I admit it wasn't my best work but it's something and it's not like i'm a published author so I don't have to worry about it being shit, right? No. Okay. 

I hope you liked the chapter (especially the ending *winky face*)  

Merry Christmas


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