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I screamed.

The rebels ran cowering away into the forest and over the walls. I screamed again with more force this time. My lungs were throbbing with immense pain as if the dagger of my life was repetitively plunging through the organs.

I was no on my knees before my dead family screaming over and over again. I imagined the entire castle was up by now. Heck even the whole of Illèa were probably awoken by my screaming. It didn't stop me. My throat kept letting out bursts of noise despite the burning desire to rest. I couldn't stop, I thought I was going mad. To be honest, I probably was.

Foots steps rattled through the dirt snapping twigs as they went. Closer and closer they came. The closer they get to me the more scared I got. I cowered Behind the dead bodies of my family my tears staining my mother's coat. It wasn't as if the coat wasn't ruined anyway from the drying blood enlaced in the stitching.

The footsteps turned into people, palace guards, loaded with guns. The sight of the very invention that ended the lives of the only family I had in the hands of a squad of men terrified the living crap outta me. I screamed so loud as a form of distraction pleading that no one would come any closer.

"Search the perimeter, any rebels will be shot on sight. That's an order." I did not know the name of the man ordering the rest around but his tone of voice told me he was in charge. "Miss, are you okay? Are you hurt?" The came closer seemingly oblivious to the three dead bodies before me.

"Sir, what should we do with the bodies?" One of the men asked eyeing me warily as if I was a baby goat made of glass.

I looked straight up into the mans eyes before answering, "Leave them! I can fix them! I can fix them.. I can... I can fix them!" Anger, fear and distraught all played their part driving me off as a nutcase. The guards must've picked up on my insanity with the group of men holding my arms together whilst escorting me back to the place. When I say escorting I really meant they dragged me kicking and screaming back to the palace.

By the time we scrambled through the garden doors I was on the floor begging to be taken back to my family. I thought I could fix them, that they would be okay and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. I wished I had never entered the selection, my sister would be alive, heck, my entire family would be alive. But now? I had no one. I either marry Daniel and become the princess of Illéa surrounded by loved ones, or I go home to no one and spent the rest of my life alone.

I wish I had never been chosen.

I was thrown into a room sparse from windows or any natural light. The door was stiff and heavy with a small cat flap big enough for a small tray of food. Inside the room the walls were grey and made of stone matching the cold, hard floor. In the centre of the room was a bed small and scratchy filled with dolls and stuffed animals. Taped to the walls were a series of posters repeating the same message over and over again, on repeat, "Are you mad?" Or "Have you been driven to the brink of insanity?"

I gripped my night gown close to my body and rested my back against the cobblestones of the floor ignoring the bed. Jolts of daggers laced in ice enclosed around my body as my eyes drooped to an endless slumber.

The visions didn't stop. Images of my parents coated in hot sticky liquid played across my eyes. I saw the glimmer of hope in my mother's eyes that I would become royalty. My family may not have been the most functional but they were mine and that's all that mattered.

Eventually the images stopped as I drifted off deep into my kingdom of sleep.


I am so sorry for not updating sooner but "(insert excuse here)". I literally have no excuse besides the blankness of my mind.

Like I am really sorry.

Love you all anyway!

And 8,000 reads? Whaaaaaaaaaaat? THANKING YOU ALL!



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