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P.S: I tried to write in Danny's pov but I found it too difficult, sorry!


The room was dark, unrecognizable and sadly the place I awoke. Spinning clouds of fuzziness clouded my vision as I took a look around, nothing.

All I could tell from this room was that it was below freezing and my dress was torn. My once beautiful dress was in rags loosely draped over my body. I didn't know how long I'd been out but I'm guessing more than a few hours as my stomach roared to be fed.

As my vision cleared a sickly feeling washed over me triggering my gag reflexes. Let's just say I wasn't in the best condition.

Pulling myself to my feet I scrambled over to the door at the end of the room. As I got closer I realised that it was ever so slowly creeping open. From the darkness two figures emerged marching closer and closer to my limp body. They hoisted me over one of the guys shoulders despite my protests and carried me out of my cell.

Have you ever suffered the pain of being held upside down? I'm just saying it's painful. It's feels as if the the blood runs to my brain causing the nausea to reappear. After a couple of agonising minutes I was thrown into a black leather chair. The room was dark with a dimly lit candle in the corner by a person gagged in a chair.

I looked closely at the gagged person before choking on my own breath at the realisation. Held up for bait like some kind of maggot was the ever so glamorous London Marie, also known as my sister.

Remaining calm I opened my mouth for a simple question, "how long has she been here?"

An other voice, male and deep, answered, "a day before you."

"And that is? I mean how long have I been here?"

"Two days, could be longer." Two days? Does this mean I'm out of the selection? Was anybody worried about me? My heart was racing at an uncontrollable pace, swearing rolling off my forehead but I had to remain calm.

"Why is she here, why am I here?" Calm, cool and collected.

"Why she is the bait of course." The voice appeared from the shadows a gun pointing at my whimpering sister, "Will you participate?"


London ---->

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