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"Paris, you need to run. You need to run and never look back. It's over, murder is the last straw. I don't think Daniel can save you this time."

I believe that's the moment to start panicking but I remained unusually calm. After everything I had been through the thought that I had to run didn't scare me. I simply nodded before stuffing a small backpack with spare clothing I had brought when I first joined the selection and food my maids brought me stolen from the kitchens.

I locked myself in the bathroom to change. I slipped out of my dress and into an old pair of overalls with a basic black t-shirt. I put on some trainers before scrubbing my face clean of makeup. I think this was the moment I began freaking out. I scrubbed my face so hard it started burning. But I didn't care. Why should I care about my face burning when somebody's blood was on my hands. I had killed someone, why did I deserve to live. Perhaps Danny was better off without me anyway. All I ever did was bring danger and destruction to this castle. It was my turn to pay.

I finally stopped scrubbing when I heard a whisper through the keyhole of the bathroom.

"They're here, Paris. You need to run, now!"

Without thinking I forced the bathroom window open and jumped out my bag swinging from my back. I hadn't expected the drop to be straight down. The was no balcony below, just a two storey fall to the ground. The exhilaration lasted for a second before the realisation that this fall would kill me caused major panic mode inside my head.  I began clawing at the bricks, my finger nails chipping. I managed to get a grip in an empty hole in the wall where a brick must have been. Looking down I was less than a metre from the ground. I let out a sigh of relief before letting go.

Looking down at my hands caused me to flinch. Blood was escaping from the scratches that populated my hands. I wiped my hands against the denim of my overalls cursing at the the pain it inflicted.

"There! Get her!" A voice from above cried triggering something inside of me that made my legs move like crazy. I never knew I could run so fast. That was until now.

I ran for what seemed like forever. I couldn't stop running, it was like there was some supernatural drug racing through my blood causing me to keep running. When the palace wall came in view I came to a screeching halt practically crashing into the wall.

What was I thinking? I knew it wasn't the time for a mental debate but I couldn't stop the thoughts from racing around my mind. I had no where to go, no plan and no way to survive. So why was I running away? Oh yeah, I killed someone. How could I forget?

My life is one big shit storm right now.

I took a deep breath ready to make my move.

"Wait." With that one word I stopped- I had no idea why one word from his lips could make me stop. Tears surrounded my eyes like bullies in the playground threatening me. I wasn't going to cry. I was going to scale this wall and escape. Even in my head that sounded ridiculous. How could I leave when he wanted me to stay?

I couldn't.

"What do you want?" My voice may have been shaky but it came out harsher than I had anticipated. I turned round taking in a sharp breath at his appearance. Bags had formed under his eyes darkening his already dark eyes. His hair was knotted and a mess, like he hasn't showered in days. Dirt and blood stained his arms down to his hands and his shirt was torn right down the middle.

"Danny..."I trailed off instantly regretting the tone I had previously used.

"Paris, you can't go. You're.. You're the only thing I have left, the only thing I care about. I l-"

"Stop. You can't do this."

"But P-"

"No, you don't get it. I killed someone! I took somebody's life away, I don't deserve you." The tears that had threatened to spill had now broke the dam and were streaming down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them away knowing it would be useless.

"Please listen to me, I don't care that you killed someone. I don't care what everyone else thinks of you because my opinion is grounded. We all make mistakes and trust me, I know people who have taken the lives away of so many without batting an eyelid. You are different, Paris. I love you and you should love yourself too."

I became completely speechless at his words. They sounded so beautiful and kind. Maybe I was broken. Maybe somebody else paid for my malfunction but that's why I needed Daniel. I needed Daniel to fix me. Or who knows what else would happen.

"I....uh..." My brain tried to form words but it was impossible. Danny drew closer and that's when I realised what was happening. His finger traced my lips silencing me. His eyes stared into mine then trailed lower to my lips. Taking his finger away he leaned in; I followed. Our lips met in the middle.

And in that moment I truly felt like everything was possible.


Damn Daniel... 😂

Any ways, I finally uploaded. Yay for me.

It's like ten o'clock right now and I should be sleeping but oh whale. I know ten isn't really late but I have school tomorrow and I really like sleep.

Hope you all have a
super amazing day (or night).


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