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It seemed like forever waiting in line for the chance to speak with the beloved prince. I thought about what he would ask me as Claire was whisked away to the sofa at the far end of the room. How would I act around him? I thought about what to call him, I doubted that he even remembered last night with his is busy schedule and all the other girls he met today.

"May I take your hand?" A voice that could have only belonged to the prince asked causing my head to turn. Standing over me was Danny with his hand extended out to me.

"You may," I replied taking his hand and following his lead to the sofa. We sat mere centimetres away from each other before he started with the first question.

"I would ask you your name but it appears I already know that, Paris."

"Yes, your highness."

"Come on, I told you it's Danny to you." The way he said 'to you' made my heart flutter that out of all the girls I could call him Danny, or is that just what I presumed. "Again, I would ask you of your favourite colour but I'm guessing it's green?"

"Of course, green like the emeralds. If you don't mind me asking, what's yours?"

"Mine is white like the clearest milk."

"Milk?" I asked stifling a giggle.

"What? It's very refreshing!" He protested in fits of laughter. I joined in catching the attention of a couple of the selected girls.

"Okay, what else do you wish to know?" I composed myself still with a beaming smile plastered on my face,

"Why the name Paris?"

"Huh? Oh, my mum was obsessed with the geography of Earth before the Third World War that brought America down. Paris being the capital of France, London- my sisters name- is England and Sydney- my brother- is Australia."

"That's cool. My sisters were named after my mums old friends but I wasn't named after anything. It's kinda boring really."

"I like your name."

"It sadly appears that our time is up. Maybe we could meet up later? How about the gardens at 6, I'll pick you up."

"I would like that," I smiled at him before coming up with a brilliant idea, "hey! We should have like a signal whenever we want to talk!"

"Like a hand gesture?"

"Yeah but different, how about pinching our noses?" I pinched my nose lightly to show what I meant. He repeating the action back to me and, like before, we burst into fits of laughter. I noticed Danielle giving me a killer look for my behaviour but I didn't care.

I was happy.


Two updates so close to each other, whattttt?

Don't expect this often.

-moi out-

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