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I know last chapter, yay! I know that this book has been relatively short but it has still been fun writing this. I started this when I was in Year 7 (I'm in Year 10 now) and my writing has definitely improved since I started writing. I'm just really happy that I did start writing this and I know I've pissed so many people off because I never update so I'm sorry. I know you're bored of me rambling so I'm just going to say thanks for reading my story and I hope you enjoy the final part.


*third person*

The two ran that night. They didn't turn back, they didn't even look. As far as they were concerned there was nothing left for them at the palace. Daniel knew that he was betraying his family by leaving but that didn't matter any more. His sisters would take over when his parents passed; they didn't need him. And he didn't need them. He had Paris and, as far as he knew, that was all that mattered.

The two cowered in a shelter on the side of the road to avoid the downpour of rain. The heavens opened up on the them when they were a few miles away from the palace. The sun should've been close to rising but fog blurred the horizon and the couple were close to losing hope.

"They'll find us, Danny," Paris whimpered wrapping her arms around her body, "we can't run away forever. You're the prince and I'm a murderer, there's no hope left. It's over."

Like Paris, Daniel clung to himself attempting to regain body heat. "Don't think like that. We'll keep moving until we get far away enough from the palace; we'll change our names and start our new lives. Together," he lifted up her chin so she looked him dead in the eye, "and if they find us, we run again. We'll keep running until there's nowhere left to run. Okay?" She only nodded in response.

The silence that sat in wasn't awkward, instead it was comforting. They clung to each other listening to the pitter-patter of the rain sliding down the corrugated roof. As time passed on they grew tired. The prince fell asleep first, his head resting in Paris's lap. She watched his sleeping figure lightly snoring in time with the rain. No matter how tired she got, she was unable to fall asleep. Her eyes stayed glued to he horizon searching for movement. He had reassured her that they wouldn't get caught but Paris wasn't so sure. It was only a matter of time until someone found them.

Paris was right.

Before he knew it, Danny was yanked to his feet and thrown into panic mode. Paris was pulling him out from under the shelter and into the busyness of the market place. The sun had risen indicating that it was now morning.

"What's going on?" Danny asked scrambling for words as he ran.

"They've found us, I told you that they would find us." She was short of breath and her eyes were dark. It didn't look like she slept at all.

"Hey, how much sleep did you get last night?" He pulled her under the canopy of a fruit stand causing her to pull away from him in protest.

"That doesn't matter, we need to get going."

"Of course it matters, you won't be able to go much further if you don't get any sleep."

Paris had no reply. She contemplated his response immediately growing drowsy. She followed him into an abandoned house that was tucked behind the market. She wasn't sure how he found that place but she was too tired to care. He laid her down on a worn out couch with her head resting in his lap.

"Sleep," he whispered and she obeyed.

She knew they would get caught at some point, but not today.


"I can't believe it's our anniversary already, it has come around so quick," the young lady stated with a sigh as she nestled further into her husband's embrace. The couple were sitting on their couch flicking through the channels on the television.

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