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The rest of the night was magical. Danny and I danced the night away to whatever song played poking the other girls jealousy with a hot stick.

That was to say that the next morning wasn't so magical. I was awoken by my maids practically dragging me out of bed. I was informed of an attack spotted along the wall climbing their way in and I had to get to the safe room. This was the first official rebel attack at the palace where everyone was hurried into a tight space fretting for their lives. I inwardly shuddered at the memory of when I was abducted forced to watch my sister perish from the cruelty of a bullet.

Forget it. I filled my mind with happy thoughts knowing that thinking about her death would send me into serious panic mode. Instead I thought of the last time I had a major panic attack and Danny had kissed me. Those were the memories I wanted to remember.

My nightgown was thrown over my shoulders and I was pushed into the safe room attempting to push my arms though the arm slots. I let out a breath I never knew I was holding to see Danny alive and well checking up on the girls.

"I didn't think you'd make it," his voice spoke from behind me snapping me from my somewhat random thoughts.

"Heavy sleeper, always have been," I lied not wanting to put the blame on my maids not getting to my room fast enough. Truth is that I was a light sleeper; it was the nights I would lie in my bed eyes closed listening out to the sound of footsteps. The heavier the steps the faster my blood pumped. I knew that my father was coming for me and that echoing emotion followed me everywhere I went.

"Shoot," the prince cursed under his breath surveying the area.

"What is it?"

"Amy, I can't seem to find her, do you think she's still up there?"

"I don't know, perhaps I should go look for her?"

"No." For once I saw the authority in Danny. It was like he transformed from a small bird only squeaking when necessary to a mother effin' dragon who stood his ground. To be honest it was fairly intimidating- in a hot attractive way. "I can't lose you, Paris. Not again."

I would like to tell you that I obeyed like a lost puppy and the world went on like normal but it didn't. I mean, I am Paris Marie and Paris Marie doesn't listen to anybody no matter their importance.

The prince swiftly moved on to the next girl checking for any discomforts so I took that as an opening. I chucked my nightgown that refused to stay on my shoulders to the ground before tiptoeing up the staircase surprised at the lack of guards.

The door swung open without a squeak my bare feet feeling the spikes of glass digging deep into the skin. The only sound I could hear were the screams of terror at the men with guns. My eye caught the slight sparkle of a gem, maybe of a shoe or something. Avoiding the eye line of the rebels I snuck over to the sparkle to find Amy cowering behind a wall.

"Come on, we need to go."

"Paris?" Her voice so fragile, broken. It reminded me of London in her last minutes. She was so scared. Stop! I couldn't think of her at this moment of all moments.

"Please come, we need to get to safety!" I pulled her up to her feet. Along the hallway we ran dodging bullets any other random objects that were thrown at us.

I shoved Amy down the stairs that led to others. I had to seal the door shut straight after in order not to give our hiding place away. I shut the door just in time to see a rebel rounding the corner. It was strange, the rebel did not acknowledge my presence but instead turned into a room I recognised as my own.

Out of pure curiosity I snuck into the room to see the rebel's back snuffing through my things. Their build was small implying that this rebel was female, most likely young. They spun round shocked at my figure standing right in the doorway. The girl ran to the door quietly sealing it closed. She brought a finger to her lips just a voice boomed from the other side of the door.

"Hey Jade! You find anyone?" I would've laughed at his bad grammar if it wasn't for the fear solidifying me to the spot.

The girl mouthed 'behind the door' before calling back, "Nothing!"

"Let's go then!"

"Okay!" Jade mouthed one last thing, 'stay there' before racing out the door slamming it behind her.

My entire body shook with fear and I could feel the beginning of a panic attack I tried so hard to avoid. My breathing was staggered, my head was spinning and I was oblivious to the time that had passed.

A sudden crash of the door being wedged open should've triggered the fear in me causing me to scream but it didn't. I sat in silence trying to control the sobs- I didn't want to be heard.

The footsteps came slowly only delaying the inevitable. A hand reached out grabbing the door before pulling it closed again revealing my crying figure. I looked up, my vision blurry, and almost choked on my tears. Henry knelt down next to me pulling me into his arms.His shoulder made the perfect head rest for me to cry my problems away.

For once in a long time I felt safe.

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