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The tragic news of the prince's death circulated quicker than Sonic on drugs. I wouldn't be joking around if he was actually dead. The doctors working on securing Danny's health had failed but not me. I took of to the prince's personal hospital room sneaking off after hours.

I had finally discovered a cure destined to work and I took it to Danny personally.

He was sleeping when I reached his bed. He looked so peaceful lightly breathing from where the poison had wasted away his lungs. I could tell there wasn't much time to spare so I had to be speedy.

I pulled out a small vile of the cure I conjured up only that morning. I had mixed the leftover poison with a few other ingredients, a lock of hair from the one who caused the deed (i.e me) and voila, the cure is made. 

Taking minimal steps towards the prince I took a deep breath in pleading that it would work. The annual Halloween ball had been rescheduled to this following night after the news of the prince's illness. My maids had worked so hard on my dress that it would be a waste for the outfit not to be used. 

I lifted Danny's head up opening up his airways before slipping drops of the cure down his throat. At first nothing happened and my heart fell. It was useless to think that I could've saved anyone let alone the poisoned prince. Maybe twenty seconds later he started coughing vigorously as if he was choking something- the poison. 

His eyes slowly opened revealing himself to the light of the world. They flickered around the room before lastly resting on mine. I smiled and he returned the favor. Colour returned to his cheeks, his smile was warming and for once in my life I had done something right. I thought that until I realised I was the cause of his sickness in the first place.

"Y-you saved me from a very ugly ending, thank you," Daniel reached out and held my hand. It was ice cold; his hand.

"It was nothing, really. I had to do something."

"And that something prevented my immanent death."

"That's not entirely true."

"What do you mean?"

"It was me. I put the poison in your tea each morning; I almost killed you." I hung my head in shame feeling his touch evaporate. Danny had retracted his hand back to his body in disgust. 

"How could you? I'm your prince, the future king of Illéa?"

"They threatened to kill my family, my sister is already dead." By now tears begun spilling from my eyes but I couldn't bare it to look at his face cloaked in disappointment. 

Instead of opening his mouth spitting out words of discouragement, the prince simply reached out for a second time to my shivering skin. This time he rubbed his hand along my arm in reassurance. It was a simple gesture that was much appreciated.

In that moment I felt infinite; nothing could get in our way. But, like before with Henry, that moment was rippled. Standing in the doorway of the private room was no other than Queen America herself.

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