School is sucky

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"Jewel!!!" All my friends screamed as I got to my locker. I guess they're excited, there is only one month left of school! Yay...

"What's up? You guys usually are half asleep in the first hour of school." I state curiously.

"We are almost free!!" My best friend Lily screams, which actually isn't suprising. She is the hyper one of my friends.

"You don't seem very excited." My best guy friend Brody states.

"No I still have a month, we have prom, grad and college still."

"Not if you would listen to us and actually use the gift you were born with" Lily murmurs.

"I am not singing in front of people I have told you, I don't want to end up like Justin Bieber, being discovered and losing my privacy."

"I thought you wanted to be a singer?" Brody says.

"Well... Yeah but no, I'm to scared. Anyway gotta go to class."

I really do wanna be a singer but like I said I am scared that I won't be good enough.


I ponder the thought as I walk into my english class.

"Everybody take a seat! I know you are excited that you are almost done with high school, but calm down, that is still 4 weeks." My teacher says. Mrs. Tanner is my favourite teacher.


As the rest of my day went on I thought about what I was going to do the rest of my life. I admit I was unprepared and scared of what the futur held for me. School just isn't what I liked thinking about. I was scared that whatever I chose won't be the right choice. They don't teach us this kind of thing in school, and it sucks.

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