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I walk off my plane and start walking to the car I asked Gina to send for me. I get in and buckle up, ready to go back to Louis' house and hug my teddy bear. It calms me down and I need calming.


"Hey Louis." I say as I walk into the house/flat.

"Uhh hi. I thought you were coming back in 2 days." He says.

"I came earlier, is there a problem? I could go out or something." I say.

"No. No problem I'm just suprised." He says.

"I'll be in my room unpacking and stuff." I say waving as I open my door. Everything was where I left it and everything was there, which is great.

I grab my teddy bear, which I haven't touched since before my parents passed besides putting in my luggage and give it a big hug.

"Scrunch." I hear the bear make a noise.

I look at the back of my bear and notice a little zipper. I unzip it and find a piece of paper.

Dear Jewel,

It's me, Mom and I want to tell you that you are beautiful and amazing and talented. You have been going through a tough time, I know with stress and school but I want to tell you I love you. I don't know if I will be here as long as you live or need me, so while you are in a tough situation I want to give you help for another one, for if I'm not there or even if I am.

Situation 1 Baby girl if other girls are bothering you point out there flaws, hang out with some boys, make them think that you are not giving in to there silly games. Don't let the "sluty girls" Make you think you aren't pretty. They need makeup and boys and barely any clothing to feel pretty.

Situation 2 Jewel if someone is hitting you hitting back won't help. You need to tell someone. It can hurt others, not just you.

Situation 3 Hon don't let a boy stop you from doing what you want. If a boy gives you grief tell one of your guy friends. If he hits you call the police. If he assaults you call the police. I f he just doen't like you back, it's fine he won't know how much of an amazing girl he is missing out on.

Situation 4 Don't do any drugs or disorder or cut to feel pretty or better, you will make it harder on yourself. You give yourself extra pressure and hurt. Please don't wreck your inner beauty to feel prettier on the outside.

I hope this helped you sweety! Me and your Dad love you and Ben with all our hearts. -Mommy

While I read the letter I started bawling. That last situation and the third hit the dot... I didn't listen to my Mom. I ran to the bathroom and took the razor into my room for the first time and cut while looking at the note and the pictures I had in a scrapbook. I start crying really loud, but I didn't realise I forgot to close my door.

"Jewel! What the hell are you doing!" Harry shouts running into my room and trying to take my razor away.

I stand up and try to get away but he grabs me from behind, takes the razor, throws it into the bathroom and sits down against the wall with me histerically crying into his chest.

"Shush, shush, shush. It's okay, it's okay..." He whispers comfortly. "Why were you... doing that?" He asks with silent tears streaming down his cheeks. "Is it because of me?"

I keep crying and trying to calm myself down. I don't answer his question but I think he already knows it is 'cause of himself.

"I am so sorry, I'm so sorry..." He keeps whispering hugging me tight from behind, crying into my neck.

"Hey Jewel, have you seen Har-" Louis cuts off when he sees us. "-ry... What, what is going on?" He asks.

Louis looks down at my wrists and starts tearing up also.

"Why... why are you doing this? You didn't tell me..." He says crouching down and hugging me and Harry. "I'm getting some... first aid stuff..."

"I am so sorry... I don't know why I started being like that towards you Jewel... I am a huge jerk... Jewel I-I love you, I guess that's why I was so angry all the time, you with Nick... I didn't control my anger! I hurt you! I-" I cut him off by kissing him tenderly on the lips, something I have never experienced before.

"I love you too Harry." I say softly leaning back into the crook of his neck.

"But I was such a jerk to you..." Ha says cursing himself.

"I know but I still love you." I answer.

"I have loved you since I first saw you." He admits.

"Same about you." As I say that Louis walks in with some ice, band aids and a wet cloth.

Louis starts bending down to help me but Harry stops him.

"I can help her Louis." He says softly.

"You are the one who started this!" He yells.

"Louis, we are good..." I say giving a small smile.

Louis hastily gives the stuff to Harry and walks out.

Harry lightly bads my wrists with the cloth as I wince every once in a while.

"Sorry!" He yelps as I wince really loudly.

Once he cleaned it all up he picks up my hand and brings it to his lips.

"What are you doing?" I ask but he doesn't answer.

Harry starts kissing all my scars softly since they were new and looked really bad. When he finished the 10 on my left wrist he started on my right wrist. When he finished the 10 on that wrist he pulled me up from the ground and gave me a giant bear hug.

"I'm really sorry, but I love you Jewel." He whispers into my hair as we hug.

"I love you too Harry." I whisper into his neck.

Harry pulls away from the hug and looks at my face.

"Jewel, I know I messed up but will you be my girlfriend?" He asks softly.

"I would love to." I answer just as soft.

Harry leans down and kisses me with what felt like all the passion he had, while I did the exact same thing.

I was dating Harry Styles!

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now