His plan

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"I'm going out!" Harry says.

"Okay, I may not be home with Darcy when you get back! I have the shoot!" I yell.

"I know babe! I love you!" He yells before closing the door.

I go to my room and get myself and Darcy dressed to go out. I get into the car and start toward the studio we were doing the photoshoot in.


I walk into the studio with Darcy and hand her to Gina as I get on my costume and start getting my hair and makeup done.


Harry's POV

"Louis! We have to go! I need to do this before they get home!" I yell.

"Haz calm done I'm ready! Lets go." He says.

We walk over to my car and head for the mall. Today was the day, I could feel it.


Jewel's POV

"I know I know I forgot to tell you but you have to perform a song at ***** Arena in 20 minutes." Gina says. I try to stay calm and think of what song I'll sing.

"Okay, lets go." I say.


Harry's POV

"Louis hurry up! Drive faster,  Gina texted me, Jewel's shoot is done and I still need to set up the table!" I yell.

"Haz calm done, she will love it." He says.

"You're right." I say.

"Look we're here." Lou says.

I hop out of the car with my stuff I bought and run to the backyard. It was September, Jewel was 2 months and the weather was great! I start setting up all my stuff and step back and sigh in satisfaction. It looked really good. I finished everything in 20 minutes!


Jewel's POV

"Gina, no one is here! Why did you take me here?" I ask.

"I forgot, sorry your concert is tomorrow." She says hiding something.

"Bring me home please." I ask.

"Of course." She replied after checking here phone.


Harry's POV

"It's done bring her home." I text Gina.

I wait 10 minutes then hear Jewel open the door. I do the signal to Louis. He goes over to her.

"Hey Jewel, me and El wanted to try babysitting and I was wondering if we could watch Darcy for a couple hours tonight." Louis asks her.

"Uh, sure." She replies handing Louis the diaper bag and a sleeping Darcy.

"Bye!" He yells.

"Bye..." Jewel says suspiciously.

Yes! The plan was working!

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now