Tour for Darcy

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"Harry! Are you ready with her?" I yell.

"Yep, we're done." He says, walking out of Darcy's room.

He had put her in a white patterned dress with mitts and socks. He was wearing what he usually does a white shirt and pants. We were bringing Darcy over to Lou and El's house where all of us were meeting so Darcy could meet her 5 uncles and 4 aunts.

"Lets go!" Harry shouts excitedly.


"Jewel she is beautiful!" Demi says.

"She is adorable!" Niall says.

"Awwe cute!" Louis and Eleanor shout at the same time then look at eachother and smile.

Darcy was being praised by all her aunts and uncles but one of them stayed back to see her.

"Can I hold her?" He asks.

"Of course you can Justin." I say smiling, giving him a short hug then passing Darcy to him.

"She looks like you but has Harry's hair." Justin says smiling.

"Yeah, I think she'll look more like him when she's older." I say.

"Well, we better go." Harry says.

"Yeah bye guys! Love you all." I say closing the door and walking to the car.

"Ready to go?" Harry asks.

"Yup, I'm tired." I say.


"Harry I have an interwiew today! Hurry." I say fixing my dress. I walk over to Darcy's room and pick her up. I was leaving her in a longsleeve shirt and yogas because I didn't want her to be fussy during the show.

"I'm ready!" He yells coming downstairs.

"Okay than lets go." I say walking to the car.


"So Jewel with your beautiful daughter, are you continuing all your work?" The lady asks.

"Yes, I will still sing, dance and model but no more acting. I have to be out too much for that." I say smiling.

"Well, I'm sure your fans will be happy, I mean having a beautiful 19 year old stopping her career so early I'm sure olots of people would be sad." She says.

"I never thought of it like that just wanting to do what I love and still have time for family and friends." I say.

"Well thank you for answering our questions Jewel." She says walking away.


"That went very well." I say sitting on the couch holding Darcy.

"I agree." Harry says joining me. "I think we should sing her something."

"Okay.... Put your hearts up by Ariana Grande." I say smiling.

"Okay." He agrees.

And Background...

And Action!

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah

If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world (change the world)

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now