You did what!

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"Jewel get up! Harry is coming home today you need to look better today so you don't worry him." Demi yells. It wasn't her idea to hide it from Harry, it was mine. I know it's wrong but I don't want him to know.

"I'm up! I'm ready." I say.

"I'm bringing you home now than." She says smiling.


When she dropped me off I clean the house and get changed and do my makeup. Harry was due home any time now.

I had only been out three times this month. When I went to Demi's, the beach and coming home. I wasn't aloud to go look at magazines, go on Twitter or any other social media. Demi was scared I would ruin all the hard work I did getting healthy again. I was 110 pounds. I had colour back and my energy returned.

"Jewel?" I hear someone call out.

"Harry." I say giving him a hug.

"What is this!" He yells throwing something on the table.

I look at what it was... a magazine.

"Jewel Kendrick is bulimic, anorexic, bipolar, cutting and suicidal!"

"Why do they know about this! When did this happen. You only cut that one time! Right." He says upset.

"I'm sorry..." I say holding back tears.

"What happened when I was gone!?" He asks.

"I stated cutting and went bulimic and anorexic and was having bad thoughts... I didn't tell them that though! And I'm not dipolar." I state.

"Why did you do this?" He asks taking my arms and looking them over.

"I went on Twitter..." I whisper.

"Jewel, don't listen to them all! You are beautiful and talented and I love you!" He says then starts doing what he did the first time he found out I cut. He brings his lips down to my arm and starts kissing my scars.

"I'm sorry!" I cry.

"I love you Jewel." He says picking me up bridal style.

"I love you too Haz." I whimper falling asleep in his arms. I feel the bed under me and Harry lay next to me. I feel him pull the blanket up and wrap me up in his arms and kisses my forehead. I last thing I thought before I fell asleep was I'm happy you're back Harry.


(Time jump, May)

"Welcome to the premiere of Monte Carlo! We have Jewel here with her boyfriend tonight and Cory with his girl!" A host yells.


"Jewel the movie is amazing, but I don't like that you kissed that guy like three times." Harry says jokingly.

"Hahaha!" I say sarcasticly. "I have a shoot so I gotta go!"

"Bye." He says.


"Jewel you are a natural! Everytime you do a shoot it goes amazingly." The photographer yells.

"Get the jeweled lips!" He yells.

"Great now purse your lips! Great! okay were done." He yells.

"C'mon Gina I need to get home." I say.


"Hey Harry! Hey Louis! Watcha doing?" I say as I walk through the door. I don't see Louis a lot anymore. When me and Harry started getting serious he started staying with El.

"I'm giving you too the house. I'm moving in with Eleanor!" Louis says gathering up his bags that I didn't notice were near the door.

"Bye Lou!" Haz yells.

"Bye Louis!" I yell.

"Bye guys!" He yells.

"Jewel, I love you!" Harry says smiling.

"I love you too." I say curiously.

"I haven't seen you in a while, I've missed you." He says backing me up into the wall.

"Have you?" I ask smiling.

"Mmmhmm..." He mumbles kissing my neck. "Lets go to the room."

"Okay..." I say as he picks me up and brings me to our room.

Lets just say... we missed eachother a lot. It was my first and I was very happy it was with Haz.


As we lay in bed the next morning Harry starts humming and stroking my hair.

"I love you!" He yells.

"I love you too Haz." I say.

We spent the whole day in bed and just laying in eachothers company. I had been filming my show, my movie, modeling and just released my second album. Harry was on tour and doing a bunch of concerts.

"Sing to me Haz!" I say smiling.

"Okay." He says and he starts singing Never gonna leave this bed by Maroon 5.

You push me
I don't have the strength to
Resist or control you
Take me down, take me down

You hurt me
But do I deserve this?
You make me so nervous
Calm me down, calm me down

Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed, oh

So come here
And never leave this place
Perfection of your face
Slows me down, slows me down

So fall down
I need you to trust me
Go easy, don't rush me
Help me out, why don't you help me out?

Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed, oh

So you say "Go, it isn't working"
And I say "No, it isn't perfect"
So I stay instead
I'm never gonna leave this bed

Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
I'd give it all away just to get you back

And fake it, fake it all
Take what I can get

Knockin' so loud
Can you hear me yet
Try to stay awake but you can't forget

Wake you up
In the middle of the night to say
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed, oh

You say "Go, it isn't working"
And I say "No, it isn't perfect"
So I stay instead
I'm never gonna leave this bed, ooh

Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
Take it, take it all
Take all that I have

Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
Take it, take it all
Take all that I have
Take it, take it all
Take all that I have

"Thank you Harry." I say.

"Welcome Babe." He says.

That night me and Haz fell asleep while talking to one another.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now