Filming and fun

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"Okay Jewel, put the sugar in the cone and have the earbuds in." The director yells. "Cut! That was great!"

"Okay, thank you." I say.

I start filming a couple more scenes like the graduation scenes and the diner with the family scene. I also got to do a couple of Cordelia's scenes. I also got to meet Cory, Katie and Leighton. They were all super nice and fun.

"Jewel, you can go with the girls now!" Gina yells.

"Okay thank you very much!" I say to the director.

"Jewel, I will see you tomorrow." He says.

"Wait, tomorrow..." I ask uneasily.

"Yes! Tomorrow." Thomas says.

"Tomorrow, I was having my day with Harry." I say upset.

"We can film the parts without you." He says smiling.

"Thank you Thomas!" I yell hugging him.

"We have to do one more scene than." He says.

We start doing the scenes when I start freaking out. When we miss the bus and we run into the hotel. I got to play Cordelia and Grace.

"Cut! Good job everyone! I will see you all tomorrow except Jewel." Thomas says.

"Bye!" We all shout.


"Jewel!" The girls yell as I enter the cafe we were meeting in.

"Hey, Danielle! Hi, Eleanor! Perrie! Demi!" I yell hugging them all seperately.

"How's the filming going?" Demi asks. As she is the only one who has acted, she was most curious.

"Fine, good..." I say. "Thomas is giving me the day off tomorrow because my date."

"That is so nice of him!" Eleanor says smiling.

"It's your, how long have you been together?" Danielle asks.

"4 months." I say.

"That's cute!" Perrie says.

"How are you and your boys?" I ask.

"Liam and me are doing great!" Dani shouted.

"Zayn and I are good." Perrie says.

"Louis and me are still strong." El states.

"Niall and me are still just friends. I think we're getting close." Demi says.

"It's good that we're all doing well." I say.

"Lets go to the theater." Danielle says.

"Uhh Dani.... I don't think that's a good idea..." Perrie says giving her a look. I look down and hope that we don't go there.

"I'm sorry Jewel! I-I forgot." Dani stutters.

"It's okay, you guys can all go, I'm tired anyway. Bye guys!" I say.

"Bye Jewel." They all say hugging me.


"You're home early." Harry says as I walk into my room.

"I see you have moved your stuff here." I say looking at his clothes.

"Yeah, is that okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, yeah, it's good." I say sitting down on the bed next to him.

"I wrote a song, wanna hear it?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says.

Can you feel me
When I think about you?
With every breath I take
Every minute
No matter what I do
My world is an empty place

Like I've been wandering the desert
For a thousand days
Don't know if it's a mirage
But I always see your face, Baby

I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain

The stars are burning
I hear your voice in my mind
Can't you hear me calling?
My heart is yearning
Like the ocean that's running dry
Catch me, I'm falling

It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet
Won't you save me?
There's gonna be a monsoon
When you get back to me

So let this drought come to an end
And make this desert flower again
I'm so glad you found me
Stick around me, baby baby baby oooh

It's a world of wonder with you in my life
So hurry, baby, don't waste no more time
I need you here
I can't explain
But a day without you
Is like a year without rain 

"That is amazing!" He says.

"Can we sleep now?" I ask.

"Yeah, c'mere." He says laying down and pulling me with him.

"I love you Haz!" I say.

"Love you too angel." He says.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now