Drama is bad if you attract attention

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When I had got home last night the boys were watching a movie so I just said goodnight and went to bed, like usual. When I got home after work tonight I didn't realise it would be different....

"Jewel what the heck is this!?" Louis yelled when I got home. He was holding up something that looked like a magazine.

"What did I do?" I ask confused.

"Look at this." He yells throwing the magazine at me. Startled, I jump and get scared as he throws it at me.

I look at the magazine and see the picture of me and Nick from when he kissed me on the front. The biggest picture I might add. I look through the magazine and see that most of the articles were about us.

"I don't get it Louis..." I admit.

"It's obvious, you are going out with Nick Jonas!" He yells upset.

"I know but I don't get how it's a problem..." I say.

"Oh my god! Harry likes you!!" He yells in defeat.

"What... he does?" I ask.

"Yeah! I thought you knew." Louis says quietly.

"How would I know that! He didn't tell me." I defend.

"Well I thought it was obvious, the way he looks at you and treats you." Louis says.

"And even if he didn't like me, it wasn't my idea to date someone, my management wants it. I had to chose between Nick, Ed Sheeran, Justin or Niall. I obviously wasn't chosing Niall or Justin and Ed is our friend so I picked Nick. He is actually really cool..." I state.

"Your management is already controling you!" He mutters angrily.

"I'm fine Louis, Nick is nice so it's okay." I say quietly.

"Haz is not going to be happy!" He says continuing to mutter to himself.

"Louis..." I try getting his attention. "Louis!" I yell loudly.

"What!" He says still sounding nervous.

"Why are you worrying? It's mine and Nick's problem, not you and Harry." I say.

"It isn't mine but Harry is part of it 'cause I know him and he will make a scene..." He says.

"Well then that is our problem, we are going to be okay." I confort hugging him.

"It's just you are like my sister Jewel and Harry is my best mate! Practicaly brother! I don't want you guys getting hurt!" He screams.

"We will be fine!" I say leaving the room to go to bed. Harry was staying at Liam's tonight, luckily...


The next few months were the opposite of Louis's worries, Harry started ignoring my presence and didn't acknowledge me at all. It kind of upset me at first but me and Nick started getting really close, so I usually wasn't around the house enough for him to ignore me.

"I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again!" My phone starts blaring Love Bug by my "boyfriend".

"Can you shut up your phone please! The Jonas Brothers are dead!" Harry yells.

"I see Nick on more magazines than you!" I yell back. I hear him snort. See! Louis was right I guess, we were getting hurt.

I answer my phone and hear Nick on the other end.

"Hey babe!" "Hey Nick!" "Meet me at the usual park in 10!" "Okay see ya Nick!" Bye Jewel!"


"So, what's up?" I ask as I arrive at the bench Nick was sitting on.

"I think we need to "breakup"." He says looking me in the eyes.

"Okay, is there a girl?" I say smiling.

"Uhhh... yeah." He says blushing.

"Awwee you're blushing!" I say laughing.

"Stop..." He says whinning and laughing. "Oh I have a book for you!"

"What book?" I ask as he hands it to me. I read the cover Romeo and Juliette. "Why?"

"I know you like Harry and you both need to learn to except your love for eachother!" He sas cheekily. " Her name is Delta Goodrem." He adds as he walks away.

I am single. My "relationship" lasted 4 months... I'm happy.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now