Make lemonade

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"Harry!" Someone yells as they open the bedroom door. I snuggle deeper into the crook of Harry's neck. He pulls me closer to him with the arm around my waist.

"Harold Edward Styles!" The guy yells again.

'"Louis go away!" Harry yells back at him. Louis comes and rips the blankets off of us, sighs in relief and leaves the room.

"Uhh... Lou! You okay Jewel?" Harry asks with his super hot morning voice.

"Yeah just really tired." I say still in Harry's warm embrace.

"Right in there! They won't get up for me!" I hear Louis yell to someone. Justin walks into the room and looks at me with smirk.

"Really Jewel, c'mon!" Justin says moving closer to the bed, he picks me up bridal style, waves at the boys and brings me to our room. I cuddle into my "brother's" arms as he walks us over to the door. He opens the door and puts me on the bed.

"Jewel, we have to leave London soon, you really shouldn't get close with him..." Justin says being protective, which reminds me of Ben.

"Do you think I could be moved to work here?" I ask knowing I probably couldn't.

"We can call Scooter if you really want to." Justin says.

"Okay I want to!" I say confidently.

"Then lets do it." He says getting out his phone.

"Hey Scooter!" "Can she work in a studio in London?" "Yes it's about a boy." "Yeah really wants to." "Yes he is famous." "Really okay, thanks Scooter!" "Bye!"

"He must really like you, he said yes! You are still with SchoolBoy but you get to do it here in London." Justin says hugging me. Proud I guess.

"This is amazing! Thank you!" I yell happily. I need to tell Harry!


"Hey Jewel! What's up?" Harry asks when he opens his door.

"I have good news!" I say.

"What that you are leaving tomorrow?" He asks cheekily knowing I don't want to leave.

"I get to stay here in London to do my recording and stuff!" I yell happily.

"Really! That's awesome! I get to see you a lot than." He says excitedly.

"I know!" I say. "But I have no where to live..."

"You could stay with one of us I'm sure." He says enthousiasticly.

"That would be great." I say.

"I wanna get to know you better so come in." Harry says.

"Lets play 20 questions." I say as I walk in and sit on the couch.

"Okay you first."

"So Harry what is your favourite colour?"

"Orange and blue."

"Mine is purple."

"Jewel what is your favourite song?"

"Anything could happen by Ellie Goulding."

"Sing it for me, please!"


Stripped to the waist
We fall into the river
Cover your eyes
So you don't know the secret
I've been trying to hide
We held our breath
To see our names are written
On the wreck of '86
That was the year
I knew the panic was over

Yet since we found out
Since we found out
That anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could

After the war we said we'd fight together
I guess we thought that's just what humans do
Letting darkness grow
As if we need its palette and we need its colour
But now I've seen it through
And now I know the truth

That anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could

Baby, I'll give you everything you need
I'll give you everything you need, oh
I'll give you everything you need
But I don't think I need you

Stripped to the waist
We fall into the river
Cover your eyes
So you don't know the secret
I've been trying to hide
We held our breath
To see our names are written
On the wreck of '86
That was the year
I knew the panic was over

Yet since we found out
Since we found out
That anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could

I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
I know it's gonna be
Oh, whoa

But I don't think I need you
But I don't think I need you
But I don't think I need you
But I don't think I need you

"You are so amazing Jewel!" Harry says.

"Thank you! I have to go now though and help Justin pack. Let me know if I can stay with you, bye!" I say as I go to help Juju.


"Bye Juju, I'll miss you!" I yell laughing as he walks to the ramp of his jet.

"I love you Sissy! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Especially with that Styles kid, bye!" Justin yells back.

I start walking back to the car where Kenny was waiting for me. I know Kenny is Juju's security but until I get my own I get him.

"Jewel!" "Over here!" "Are you cheating on Justin with Harry Styles?!" I just kept my head down and got in the car. Justin told me not to answer the stupid questions, which is most of them...

As I get comfy in my seat my phone vibrates, so I check it.

"Come to 1111 First Street, it's mine and Louis' house, you can stay with us!"

I guess I will be living with Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles for a while.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now