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(4 months later.)

"Hey Jewel, wanna watch a movie?" Harry asks coming into the living room, where I was sitting on the couch.

"Uh, sure." I say.

"Okay I'll get one." He says going to the cabinet under the T.V.

I get a sharp pain in my stomach and feel wet.

"Harry! My water broke!" I yell.

"Lets go to the hospital." He says. I had been preparing him for today, since I'm sure you say the prank that was pulled on the boys. Well Harry wasn't calm and frankly it would make me nervous if he was freaking out like that.

I grab my bag that had clothes for both myself and the baby girl. We didn't have a name yet, I want it to come to us when we see here. I walk to the car where Harry was already starting the car.


"Push! C'mon babe! You got this." Harry encouraged holding my hand. I then hear crying and sigh in relief.

"Here is your healthy baby girl." Dr. Hill said. Harry requested to have her throughout the whole pregnancy.

"Darcy." Harry says as he looks at her beautiful face as he held her.

"Darcy... I like it." I say smiling as Harry gently places her in my arms.

"Darcy Anne Styles." I say.

"Anne? Like after my mum?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, like after your mom." I reply.


"Welcome home Darcy." I say softly as I walk into the house holding her.

I walk into her room and show her around. It was Louis' old room. For the past three months Harry was turning it into a nursery. I was beautiful, full of blue, pink and purples.

"Jewel can I take her?" Harry asks smiling.

"Of course." I say.

I watch Harry take Darcy and lay on the couch and sit her on his chest. I hear him start singing the song that we all heard first. Isn't she lovely.

Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love

Darcy starts smiling as she hears his voice.

"I think she likes your voice." I state smiling as I sit down, lifting up his legs and putting them on my thighs.

"Maybe Mummy should sing it than, see if you like hers too." Harry says smiling. Darcy puts out her arms for me to take her, so I do and sing the same verse.

Darcy starts smiling again and gives me a head bonk in the shoulder. I guess it was her way to hug me.

"I think it's bedtime for Darce." Harry says using her nickname.

"I think so too." I say looking down at my shoulder to see her half asleep.

Me and Harry go and put her in her crib.

"I think she will love it here." He says.

"Me too, I mean she was only in the hospital for a couple hours. We were lucky." I say walking into our room.

"Night Jewel." Harry says crawling in bed.

"Night Haz." I say crawling in next to him and falling asleep right away.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now