I make the cover of... everything

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"Jewel! Come watch this!" Harry yells.

I walk into the living room and find him watching T.V. I look at the screen and see my name.

"Jewel's pregnancy definitly didn't slow her down! Last night she had a concert completed with 9 songs, new songs! She was wearing a bra sweater that looked amazing on her! She got rid of her baby fat like a monster. The 19 year old looks amazingly fit and sounded great! Look out for her album!" The E! News lady said showing pictures and a clip of me singing Falling down and rapping Super Bass by Nicki Minaj.

"And look at this!" He says giving me his laptop.

@Jewel_Kendrick you look beautiful!

@Jewel_Kendrick is rocking now! I love her song Sick of you!

I wish I was as talented as @Jewel_Kendrick! She is amazing!

"Wow." I was the only thing I could say.

"I wanna go out now and see this in person!" Harry says.

We wait for Demi and Niall to come over (babysitting) and then left.


"Look at this! Oh my gosh!" I yell looking at all the magazines. I was on the cover of almost all of them!

"I'm glad they love you!" Harry says.

"Me too." I say smiling.

We keep talking and did some wedding planning. We stop at a cafe and I start making a list.

Our colour turquiose

Darcy and Lux flowergirls

Paul's son ringbearer

Different coloured roses

On a beach

Lily maid of honor

Louis bestman

"I'm tired, lets go home." I say.

"Lets." Harry says going to the car.


"Was she good?" I ask Demi and Niall.

"Like she usually is." They say smiling.

"Good, night guys." I say waving.

"I'm going to bed." I state.

"Me too. " Harry says.

I went to bed tonight thinking about the wedding. I was really excited. Plus his fans like me now so it's even better.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now